While browsing Steam, stumbling over Last Epoch, and reading the Roadmap i realized that it goes like this with LE everytime i touch it.
Please keep in mind, i am just a casual player, nothing more.
I start a new char, having fun, grind may way through levels, still having fun.
I hit at some points empowering monos, still having fun.
Now, at some point i just stop having fun. Before, i just could mindless go from node to node, clear the map and do the next.
Now, it gets harder from map to map, i have to play more careful, i start to die more often, since corruption gets up and every next map i add more modifiers.
At some point i just stop playing because i lost the fun i had before.
Thats ok for alot players i guess. Personaly i would like to āadjustā the difficulty up to a ācertainā point and then just lock it right there, before i start to move forward.
So, what i would like is some sort of button i can press, at which point i dont add more corruption or more affixes to a map, until i hit that button again.
Sure, loot chance, xp, drops etc. should āfreezeā there also. I just want to be able to turn my brain off, and grind.
And yes, i still want to do empowered monoliths, unempowered monoliths are not really an option, because they get at some point just to easy.