Lock Item feature and change the color of the description of a t6/t7 Affix

Pls implement a feature to lock items. Players would benefit from it.
And the second suggestion would be to give both t6/t7 affixes descriptions their own color so we could see the difference between t6 / t7 instantly just by hovering over the item and seeing the different color of the text.

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Locking an item in inventory would be great. Too many times I guess I’ve pressed right click quickly instead of shift right click and later wondered why things seem different. Me being quick and careless, but it’d still be nice QOL.

But you can easily set up the loot filter to give T6 and T7 items different name colours on the ground, plus I’d prefer to have more colours available for loot filter, so not going to back you on that second one, sorry!

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Yeah but after you finished several monolith you dont know which item is which in the inventory. i have a good lootfilter for every class but have to drop all items everytime and filter this way. but with different color descriptions you could search through inventory without dropping the items everytime but its fine if they dont do it. its just a small qol improvement