List of small bugs/glitches I've found so far

I’ve recently came back to playing Last Epoch after being gone for about 6 months and I’ve decided to start cataloging bugs/glitches/suggestions (I’ll leave those on a different thread). I’ve only been playing since the idol inventory update. So only a few weeks I think. Some or all of these might have already been discussed, but I didn’t notice them when browsing the first few pages.

Here’s what I got so far.
On Erza’s Ledger quest my legendary item was unable to be picked up (It droppped from the gambler). At first I thought it was my filter, so I deleted that. Then I pressed “z” and “x” a couple of times each. No dice. What was strange however, is that I couldn’t ever replicate what happened there. (Even after replaying this quest on like a dozen new characters) So this is probably low priority.

If you leave after defeating the “Idol of Loathing” (the purple worm in “The Precipice”),
the portal to the past is gone forever and you can’t continue the main storyline. If you go back to town using your blue portal and return, the problem persists. Luckily, it seems the problem fixes itself if you close Last Epoch and re-open it. I don’t know if just leaving to the character selection screen will fix that or not.

Occasionally, when talking to NPC’s when using a controller, you are unable to use any skills. You can still move, but you can’t attack. You can fix this either by pressing escape or “start” twice. If that doesn’t work going to character select and back should do it.

When I went to “Tomb of Morditas” and killed the boss, for some reason I couldn’t talk to Morditas with the controller. I could still talk to him using the mouse though and I haven’t had difficulty talking to any other NPC (The ones you can normally talk to at least).

When in “Welryn College” in the Imperial Era, and using a controller, you can’t open the doors on the upper level if you are standing directly next to them. You have to backtrack a couple of paces.

When you sell something by using Shift + RightClick your skill for RightClick activates (only on certain skills like the Ephemeral Stance). Normally, this isn’t really a problem, however, I was using a Unique Item that causes me to bleed when I cast a spell. I almost killed myself selling items, lol.

Warpath has multiple “Unchained” nodes. One all the way to the left, and one just to the right of center.

When using Warpath while moving, VERY rarely my character will start “stuttering”. It slows me down considerably. Even with my 68% increased movement speed. I actually came to a dead stop a few times and had to wiggle the control stick back and forth to keep moving in the same direction. It kind of felt like my guy was stuck in mud or something. First thing I thought was that it was some kind of debuff, as I was doing echoes. However, I checked, and I didn’t have any “slow on hit” or “chill on hit” modifiers and my HUD didn’t show any debuffs. I first noticed this on the echo map “Defiled Valley” and every time it happens, it only lasts for a couple of maps. Very aggravating though.

When doing echoes and you come across Moon Spires or Blood Spires, the attacks caused by them cause massive frame drops and lag spikes. Especially if there are three or more spires.

That’s all I’ve found so far. Sorry for the long post and also if any of these are already known issues.

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