List of all new Chapter 9 enemies that feel too strong and/or unfair in Arena/High MoF

Its not fun though

I used to push ladder in Diablo 3 for rank 1 and you just leave the map when you get bad monster combinations - load the map if it wasnt Silver Spire or another good map or didnt have ‘xx’ mob type usually Goatmen or Unburied you just immediately left and didnt even try to save your sanity/time

I was attemping to farm Omnis on a Forge Guard Manifest Armor, at corruption 315+ if I get a bad map I just suicide (as its faster) to reset the map (instead of teleporting out as it puts in the middle of Hall of Time instead of the echo directly) and because loot isnt a thing at that point you dont care you just rush to the objective

basically you just want small spiders and nothing else. If you get Imperial Watchers (infinite undead spawning) Abominations in packs, Osprix, Siege Golems (they arent too bad as you just run past them) in packs you just want to reset immediately

This is always a fundamental issue with monster composition in random maps where it can pull late game enemies - theres no real incentive to bother fighting them

I’m still trying things out in terms of build testing, but the amount of damage these Chapter 9 enemies do in comparison to everything else is ridiculous. 80% of all my deaths trying out Empowered Monos is due to those stupid Embermages. I can occasionally see the projectiles coming, but if anything stuns me, even for a single frame, I get nuked by these stupid meteors.

I think the jump from regular monos to empowered monos is very jarring for someone who’s used to easily stomping the regular monos only to find that you need at least 1000 more Health to survive Empowered monos, and where the heck do you get that much health in such short time. It’s a frustrating experience, for sure.

That’s exactly what I’ve tried to make clear in so many other threads:

a) 2,000 Ward is not really much given my 10,000+Ward characters.

b) 2.000 Ward are not always as good as 2.000 Ward if they are full of resistances and halfway strongly armored (armor).

Even my archers like to run around with about the following setup (rather a bit better):

Again in conclusion:
I also fully understand that the newer opponents are partly made of completely different wood.
And yes, I have also had the dubious pleasure of being killed by them.
I found that great! (I do not play hardcore.)
The next time I knew that already much better and then just had to play differently in levels with increased occurrence of those comrades or pay better attention.
From me, EHG can still put a shovel “in enemy difficulty” on it, they should in my opinion just make sure that melee as well as ranged fighters at least have a chance to master such an encounter.
Lethal attacks are - as also more or less indicated in this thread - not a major problem IF YOU CAN DETECT THEM SURE ENOUGH IN ADVANCE. :wink:

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