Lightning Blast and Insidious Conduction

I have been playing almost exclusively as a Runemaster and having a blast but I wanted to try out something a bit different and rolled a Sorcerer to focus on lightning skills and specifically the lightning meteors courtesy of Vilatria’s Set. I am also using Harbinger of Stars (which is a major pain, I know) and settled on Lightning Blast as my spammable to proc it.

I’ve been tinkering with the LB skill tree to see how to make the best use of it and I can’t make heads or tails of the “Insidious Conduction” node. Unless I am missing something, it seems to be a straight up downgrade and a major one at that. It turns LB into a channeled skill which is all kinds of problematic since channeled skills are incredibly underpowered in this game, adds a huge mana cost to it, and on top of all that adds a huge delay in between chains and even halves the ward generation of the skill. It also automatically locks you out of Overcharge and Hypercharge which are hands down the best LB nodes. So with all this in mind I am left scratching my head as to what exactly is the benefit of Insidious Conduction?

I’d appreciate it if someone could add some clarity, even if it’s just to tell me that the developers screwed up with that node, lol.

  • The passive node doesn’t tell you that it attacks 7,69 times per second. Equivalent of 440% Cast Speed for Lightning Blast.
  • Therefore chaining “every 5th cast” actually means “chains once every 0.65 seconds”.

It’s crazy good. The manacost isn’t really a problem, I leveled up my Sorc with channeled LB.

Not sure what gave you the idea that channeled skills are underpowered, for example Ghostflame is a channeled skill and literally the most OP broken skill in the game.

Hands down best LB nodes in Cycle 1.1 are Shattershock and Frontloaded.

Ahh! That would have been useful information to go on the tooltip, lol. How are we supposed to intuit that?

I haven’t played in a while and back when I did channeled skills were downright terrible. I see now with the latest update they tried to address that. I might give lightning Disintegrate a try too.