Hi. I see lots of builds here and on youtube/twitch for werebear. However, none give advice on what specializations/passives to pick as you are leveling with werebear as your goal. They all start at around level 20. Since some of the specializations don’t kick in until you’ve leveled for a while, how should this be handled? Stick with the lowlevel ones and then respec when you hit the later ones or just wait and don’t spend any points until you hit the specializations you are interested in? Thx.
This video will tell you all the passives you should take, there is no order rreally other than you start at the bottom of the base class passive tree until you have 20 point there then just start at the bottom of druid and put the points in the same nodes as in the video
Thx. I understand the passives. What isn’t obvious is 4 of the 5 specializations in that video aren’t even available until you get well into the teens while leveling so do you just spend points in any specializations you do have and then respec and change to the ones you want when they become available or just horde the points until they become available? Seems like a weird way to have to play unless I’m missing something.
Yup I would spec into ice thorns first and you can use that instead of spriggan unless your going for this build directly then yes just switch them over as soon as you can
Thanks. I’ve enjoyed your other videos also. Keep up the good work.
Yeah I suppose I need to do some beginner build videos for each class to get mew players a leap stsrt. Thats on the list
Yeah, I was about to comment on that video that the specializations seem out of order from what you can do as you build up. I’d guess then you respec most of the stuff once you reach endgame?
yeah most of my (if not all) videos are end game builds, so once you hit usually lvl 50+ then work to respecing towards it.
Razguul use what ever skill you want for specializations until you unlock a build one to replace it with. The reason being you get a slightly more powerful skill to help you level up at lower levels.
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