Leveling and campaign

Leveling is terrible for people who don’t have much time. Normally I would make 2-3 characters now I’ve barely made one and I don’t feel like spending another two weeks on the next one. This makes people finish the game earlier and get discouraged faster. It took me 7 hours to get from level 99 to 100. Moreover, going through the entire campaign is unpleasant. Correct me please if I am wrong, but my friends have a similar opinion.

The game is balanced in a way that no one needs to get to level 100. There isn’t much difference in power between a level 90 character and a level 100.

So EHG’s stance is that there is nothing in the game that makes you feel like you need to reach level 100. And if you do want to reach level 100, then it should feel like an achievement.
Otherwise people would reach level 100 very easily and would feel the need for post-level 100 systems (which some already ask as it is), which is how we ended up with D3 paragons, which is something EHG doesn’t want.

So your build is as much finished by level 90 (assuming you have the gear) as it is at level 100 and you can make a new character by then. There’s no need to reach level 100 for minimal gains.

I understand your complaint is about level 90-100, but based on the title of this post I am going to respond anyway,

In general LE levelling is very quick. For me the slowest range is 1-20 generally. 20-50 is lightning fast. 50-70 is nice. 70-85 starts to slow down but still feels good. 85-100 really slows down but your build should be finished by then and any additional passives are just nice-to-have, not mandatory. I rarely ever reach 100… I only have a single level 100 but I have several 90s.

Umh… so?

I mean sucks, but that’s a given.

Making a train-model sucks for people with no time. Making a miniature warhammer 40k army from scratch sucks also for people with no time (and on top no money), and so so many other things do as well.

It’s just target audience, not every game needs to solely take 20 hours to get completely through it and not every game needs 5000 hours to get through it, we have variety for that reason.

Good to know. For me, this feature is a game breaker. I’m content to not be the target audience and will happily go play something else.

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Which feature are you referring to?

I don’t really understand your point of view. For me, in these types of games, the most important thing is unlock the full potential of character- reaching the maximum character level. Not just 90% progress. In my case, usually the last 15 passive points gives me more damage or survivability. So it’s good to have those points early. Why suffer at 100C when you can go much higher? That’s why the leveling from the last cycle was more enjoyable for me.

And if the developer wants the campaign so badly then you can only play through it once and on the next character you can have everything unlocked, simple is that.

You don’t have to agree with this, these are my feelings about the new cycle. (sorry for my bad English)


Agreed with that. The increase of experience need feels plain and simple… bad.
I imagine that the reason why EHG did it was to align leveling with the Harbinger progress a bit better but it still doesn’t feel enjoyable at all.

Well… to be fair the Harbinger progress itself doesn’t feel nice with the re-grind of corruption for different timelines.

This argument solely includes end-game though.

Sure, could.
Which diablo-clone game based on a online cyclic system does it?

And when you realize the answer is ‘none’ then ask yourself the question further as to ‘why’ that is the case.
You’ll swiftly realize that it’s a pure aspect of long-term engagement and number of returning players.

long-term engagement since people will stay longer with a single character rather then making a new one as that would take decent effort to do.

Returning regularly since 15 classes means 15 times the campaign and hence a high investment in time, leading to people not playing all 15 in a single cycle and hence allowing a ‘fresh’ experience for more cycles.

Makes people re-play the first classes when they each the last since it was a good while ago by then likely.

To be fair, the last change they made to this makes it much easier. Just grind one timeline to 300c, every other timeline just needs one echo and one shade to get to 300c now.


Ohhh, interesting, gotta look that up as soon as the PoE-testing for this league there is over for me. That could make things a hundred times better.

I’ll give you D3… but D4 is a re-grind of basically everything, and their progression there is a mess with how varied and widespread it is and hence has to be re-done every time.
Unless they changed that too besides their gear, which I don’t actively know.

They allow you to skip the campaign, they give you all the altars and main waypoints. This is at season start, as long as you already did them with a character in a previous season or in eternal realm. Which is what OP was referring to. It’s been that way since the start of S1.

I don’t agree with campaign skips (especially since D4’s campaign was easily one of the strongest points in the game) and I think that the current skips LE has are good enough (as long as first dungeon is rebalanced), but there are games that let you skip it entirely, even if it’s just D3/D4.

Read up on it, the campaign skip in a new season… that’s only possible because D4 has no auction house or alternative system for larger scale item trading in place.

If that exists it becomes a automatic competitive environment and hence a new cycle/season/league is mandatorily enforced to not provide upsides for older accounts.

Why? Because otherwise a new account will automatically be ‘behind’ already and loose the ability to progress through those systems in the same manner as those which have already established their basis beyond what they can have.

Strong point or not… the first time you play through a campaign it’s good… it’s fresh, gives you new experience, it’s like a movie or a book. A second time? Only a minority re-reads or re-watches movies/series and so on. It’s already ‘done’. Waste of time for a lot of people. Hence to skip that isn’t bad (which is why I’m for general options to skip the campaign with secondary characters but never the first one)
This obviously stays also true for different cycles, new cycle means new status means newly re-playing the stuff for at least one char. Follow-up ones with a alternative means solely focused on gameplay and no story or cinematics instead is a viable option for those games to take, LE is included in that.

I really think it’s a very clear situation, we don’t have the complete picture of the player base, the devs yes, if they see in the complete statistics that a lot of people quit the game with the first character at level 85/90, without starting an alt, and so the game have some retantion problem in the last phase, level 85-100, of a character developement, or in the ability to let the player start a new alt, or even if they see that a lot of people quit the game in the early leveling due to the campaign not being skippable, they for sure will make some adjustment, regardless the fact that some old user said something contrary, they can stay with a “promised” structure for some cycles, but if the numbers didn’t go well for sure they are going to make some change in this way.

Shortly, we will see, for now simply express your opinion without letting other users tell you in witch way you should enjoy the game.


Well said.
I for sure would like to do some data mining on their database.