Level Design Changes | Coming in Convergence

And one more reply about my feeling about visual effects in ARPG. I will never forget when I played Diablo 2 and the first time I heard (sound) the raining weather in a game. This was so huge experience and I could close my eyes and I felt that warm raining around me. What am I trying to say is that sound effects always make more impact on player’s feelings then any visual grapfics. This is why I wish to hear foot steps and other ambient sounds like birds in LE.

As a long term on/off player the game looks really polished now. My 6 year old PC used to get big frame drops in campaign 2 years ago but since getting a new PC and your optimisations I just get 60 solid FPS always

Bit sad the training dummy is gone from End of Time. I may hold the record for most deaths at the End of Time with over 100 deaths from messing around with Aura of Decay and killing myself - Icarian Poison gaming

I played beta Events in February and can’t remember the lagon temple textures rework. So I guess it is new for 0.9? The LE visuals are getting better and better with every patch.

Lagon’s Temple looks very cool! :grinning:

Oh ok then, you twisted my arm… I’ll get the 4080… but you are gonna have to buy the late night coffees, I will not be able to afford them after this.

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Lagon’s Temple is by far my favorite zone. Everything feels so amazingly related to the sea life. I wish other gods zones would also have so many details like Lagon’s Temple…

Everything looks amazing keep up the great work EHG!!

Very excited for March 9th! Question regarding vegetation: are there any plans for grass/other ground effects to be manipulated by characters? Ie., when I walk through tall grass, will the grass move/part?

So…all good so far! Looks good and promising! We love the game but…! Really??? Multiplayer BETA??? After so long time we still play BETA ???Few months ago we wait for the multiplayer release and few days ago we try the multiplayer BETA and now after all this time the release of multiplayer is going to be BETA??? Something wrong guys…or Im just a noob!!!

The game is still in beta (early access), so this is just standard verbiage for releasing any content before 1.0


Oh, I am so hyped!!! <3

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Improving atmosphere and immersion has nothing to do with Diablo 4, or non less than, with almost any game that has visual feedback.

They are improving the game in many ways, also performance.

This is something expected, they want a great product, as time goes, the team gets more experience, the company more resources… They want the best product they can make, is just a matter of where to draw the line to stop re-doing things.

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Not sure why I am tagged on this reply. I was making an “in” joke about needing better hardware to appreciate the visual updates coming and related to the years of technical assistance I have been providing in the support section of the forum to other players re performance and issues etc.

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My mistake man, fixed it.

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