LETS Delay Season by 4-14 months please

Awhile ago I had a discussion with people in game as to why I thought the new season should be delayed, and why 3-4 months seasons are way to short. The reasons are not in order.


  • dont want to start a new season until all the current known bugs are fixed
  • making a new season until weak skills/ classes recieve major reworks and are tested
  • fix the entire MG market interface so people dont burn out comparing items
  • Buff CoF, and rework tier 8,9 so that people do not return to the same issues as launch
  • Fix all lag on online play and fix all graphical issues
  • remove keys from dungeons, so that returning players dint need to do campaign
  • Remove all methods for RMT in game, as to not make players mad
  • Rework 90% of the uniques to be actually useful
  • Rework all set items.

As one can see this is alot of work. Devs want to do a bunch of stuff for 1.1. LOL i find it funny. We should not be seeing 1.1 until December 2025. If you launch 1.1 with ALL THE PROBLEMS you would be showing the players that the devs can not keep their word and make it feel like the devs can not be trusted. Hencd why you need to delay 1.1.

People who return for season 2, do so because they are willing to give the benefit of the doubt. You only have that once, you can not release 1.1 in a botched state.

Rest is up to you all. Mistakes can be made up. But this one can not. Ignore my advise to the ruin of this game. Good luck.

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I will return to 1.1 because I know the game is riddled with bugs since forever and yet I always enjoyed it. I know those bugs will take a long time to be fixed but if you make me wait a year for new content I will just drop the game overall most likely.

Reworks can be done mid patch as well for sets I could not care less since all of them are useless so whenever the time comes for a change it will be a welcome one.

Lag online might always come back as it happens to almost every online game more or less

The game needs work and the devs are putting in the work for it and they are also trying to add new content/bosses and stuff which guess what…the rest of the players except you asked for.

I dont know man. You have a very cooked take here and not the good kind of cooked.


BS… this mentality of not wanting anything before it’s 100% perfect is stupid. You’d never eat, you’d never get medical treatment if you’d actually enforce these expectations.

I suppose 1.1 will be more than worth our time again, but it simply can’t be perfect yet.


If you want to ruin the game your points are valid.

LE rleased the game for whatever reason in the state it is. I’m sure there were good reasons for it. If they now leave people hanging without any updates or new stuff the game will be dead in the water and noone will pick it up again.

Look at Superfuse for example. The devs don’t talk to their players because their playerbase is pretty radical and not nice at all. Everyone shouts abandonware. No matter how much the devs work in the backround when the next update hits the game it must be a world changing miracle to bring back players who stoped caring for the game over a year ago.

Sure that’s only my oppinion and I could be completely wrong but the only good game relaunch that worked i ever wittnessed was FFXIV.

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It is totally unrealistic, if not impossible to fix all bugs. There will always be bugs.
Even if they fix the majority of bugs that affect a largep ortion of the community, there might be new bugs or still other people having other bugs.

Do you have a magical solution at hand? There is no such system that is perfect without being absolute crap for the user experience. Otherwise everybody in the gaming industry would have used that system already, if it existed.

A lot of skills and builds come and go as more things are introduced, changed, buffed, nerfed. This is an constant ebb & flow, which is actually very much liked by a lot of players.

If they would stop introducing any new items, skills etc and keep balancing the current state of the game they might achieve a somewhat good balance. But the game would become stagnant for a long period of time.

That is not a “problem” with the game that needs to be fixed.

This is also not a “problem” that needs to be fixed. Especially for the unique part. Most uniques are very psecific and niche, but that is how they are supposed to be. They are not meant to be the BiS item for a vast amount of builds. Your 90% firgure probably only comes from seeing the meta builds I don’t know.

Set items do need some love, but this is nothing that the game should get on a halt and don’t do anything else until this is “fixed”.

Overall all of your suggestiosn combined are completely unrealistic and unpractical.

You essentially want the game to get into a hiatus and then wake up with everything (you think is wrong) to be fixed.

This is not how it works and not how they should even attempt at working on the game for the future.

Even though there are remaining issues, me (and a lot of other people) still enjoyed the game in the past, still enjoy it and are also looking forward for new major patches, even if not everything will be magically fixed.


Pay with favour in the auction house and not with gold. Biggest problem solved. Tie the favour gains to player levels so carries aren’t that effective, next problem solved. With this people need to play the game to buy and sell stuff. From my point of view this looks like an easy change. Now gold can be used for stash tabs, gambling or in the dungeon. This isn’t foolproof but better then making a freely tradable currency the foundation of the system.


I mean okay, but bugs can pop up in the new seasons, even if all the current bugs are fixed, then the new season will still have bugs.

This I agree with. There’s only a handful of builds are actually work as designed, and many other don’t because a. either their skills are bugged like “shield throw” or b. there isn’t enough interactivity between the skills in their respective classes. At the very least the skills themselves should work properly. I’m not sure if there are others, but shield throw is a long time known bug where the shield disappears or it hits invisible walls.

Yeah we need better trade interface, or a browser one where you can filter out more than what there’s currently provided.

I don’t like current CoF as well. The milestone rewards are meh, especially the set items.

This is a steady process, and I’m not sure how realistic it is to ask from them to pay millions on new servers just to accommodate people for a single month, and then the numbers drop, and there are no issues. Also the lag only happens in towns, I never lagged elsewhere.

You will always need to do campaign. It’s just how it is. Keys are easily obtainable, I also thought it’s a problem, but not after I started getting them all the time.

RMT exists, and you can’t remove it so long there is trade between players. I’d rather play with people who RMT than be unable to trade and make an entire system useless.

Rather than rework, we need more uniques that give bonuses to other skills as well. Currently void type damage is overabundant.

More set items.

Most that return are probably people who want a fresh start and see the new features. Sending the game in another wait period, of an entire year from what you’re asking would probably not turn out well for the longevity of the game.
The question is, how many new features we’ll see, and how many current issues will be fixed, and then it will be the time for a new discussion.

I think that focusing on new content while fixing old bugs, and recycling everything every 3 months is far better option than just put it all on haitus.

The time to ask this for everything to be fixed should’ve been done before the game was released. At least it would’ve been reasonable thing to ask.

Not even then. If trade exists, RMT will exist. There’s no getting around that. You can make it easier or harder to RMT, but you can never get rid of it.

That’s going to take a really long time, during which you & everyone else will be complaining about the lack of new content (just as they did in the ~1 year run up to MP being released in 0.9).

See above.

See above. Also, it’s likely impossible without having every player relocate to somewhere near the servers. You do know how lag & the internet works don’t you?

So you want them to scrap MP?

And if that happened there would be so much bitching everywhere.


Yup, one shouldn’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

The sets are a problem.

What would you replace them with?

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I have the opposite take, I think they should drop it at 3months every time.

No flak against EHG as it seems to be an industry wide issue, uhmmm im gonna be honest, every game ive played so far that is live service, especially arpgs, that go “We are delaying to get more polish” literally never actually has more polish. There is just some bugs you will never be able to learn in a closed testing environment. So all that extra delay means you still contend with some bug that breaks the game at the start.

So id much rather have the patches come out, and them able to get wide feedback testing, this applies to everything frankly not just bugs. Weak/underpowered classes? Why was this feedback not reported by the small group of testers? How does falconer/Warlock come out in the state they are in? did the small group of testers not have enough information to report how obviously overtuned they were?

Getting feedback from 100k players is way better then getting it from 1k.

Im over this “we are delaying the new season/cycle/league so we can make sure its good” then they still have to hotfix the mechanics 10 times anyways. Might as well drop it and hotfix it 15 times atleast you are getting lots of feedback.


To be fair, I’m pretty sure that is just programmer for “we are delaying because a key feature isn’t finished yet”.


See if they atleast say that I can understand!!!

I can understand “welp we didnt finish in time haha give us a second” happens to the best of us.

But “we are making sure we can have the best experience for the users!” yeah right man, its never gonna be bug free or a good experience at the start, just nature of the beast. get it out so we can play it and make it good.

I think launch has shown that a bad patch start really isnt a doom sentence people think it is, id say their launch went pretty bad, and still they had a lot of players stay around for a month.

It’s a marketing strategy. Not everyone feels like you do. These types of communications have been intensely studied and the best language has been identified. It’s like call center scripts. Not everyone likes them, but they’re there because they were proven to be the most efficient for whatever the company is looking for (usually less complaints).

Also, to be fair, there’s also the likely chance that it could instead mean “we finished the thing, but created a game breaking bug with it which we’re trying to fix (preferably without redoing the thing)”.

The devs have outlined a clear roadmap of the things they intend to add to the game experience. The devs have already laid out how their core systems will interact with each other. Whether players like these systems or choose to play a game with better systems (or just not play video games, wait, what am I even suggesting?) is up to individual preference, but all these doom and gloom scenarios about how the game is going to be ruined is simply you projecting your expectations onto the devs.

I love the core systems in this game, and there are things about this game that blow other ARPGs out of the water, but there are two specific things about EHG that definitely irritate me and I wish they gave more priority to.

  1. Having basic skill functionalities not working, players giving feedback YEARS ago that they aren’t working, and the devs doing nothing to fix it. I’m talking about Summon Frenzy Totem’s tether function just outright not working. I’m talking about (for a more recent case) Warlock’s Fissure node “The Burn” that drops your FPS to 5 seconds per frame (no, I did not write that backwards). Just give us basic skill functionality so we can figure out the intent of your class and provide meaningful feedback. PLEASE.

  2. Having the players provide a huge amount of feedback about classes / items / skills that need to be fixed, and the devs either implementing half-baked fixes that do nothing to fix the core issues, or outright ignoring the feedback. There has been a ton of feedback on what can be done to fix the Shaman mastery, specifically some of the atrocious passive nodes, and yet, just this week, we get a teaser for a 8-point node that grants a total of 16% Attack Speed (when the Beastmaster has 50% Attack Speed for himself and his companion and has it tied to a really good Aspect Buff) and a 3 second Frenzy for 1 totem. Like, these two nodes are on completely different planets, why are you so afraid to give more meaningful changes?

Itemization, like sets and such, they’re there, we have the stash space to put them in, I don’t understand why people get in such a tizzy about them. But having basic skills not work and basic interactions and good design ideas that get ignored because you really have to include this new shiny thing that does nothing to fix the core problems?

That was a bigger vent than I was planning, I know at the end of the day, these developers are people with their own ideas and vision, so I wish them the best of luck.

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Don’t even need trade, either. People will still pay for someone else to play their account for boosting.


Tell everyone you know absolutely nothing about software development without telling us. All the chest beating you’ve written about fixing bugs/issues is at this point willfully ignorant.

And, for someone who obviously does not like the game, does not enjoy the game, does not like EHG, and does not trust EHG, I have no idea why you are sticking around. It’s OK to divest yourself of a game and its community when you aren’t having fun. Being a perpetual malcontent isn’t a valuable contribution.

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you crazy bro. poe have done 3-4 months league for years.
go look at the player count, it drops dramatically over time.
after 2 months basically no one is playing. the game would be dead on a 14 months cycle

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Dont trust EHG yes, and do not like them, also true. Devs can be replaced, trust can be earned back with good fixes. I am sort of an idealistic. I seperate the potential of the game from every thing else.

The truth is that many of these things CAN be fixed. If i believed the game was past the point of being saved i would have moved on like you suggested. ARPGS are rare to be made. Who knows if TQ2 or path of exile 2 are gonna be any good? When one is made, i would provide feedback for it.

I suppose we will see with time, if this effort pays of in changes. Its always a dice toss. It worked with other games i played.

What sample size do we have to compare anything? We’re literally in the first cycle… Let’s see what happens in the next then we can blow things out of proportion.


Why??? Currently set items arent even used.

In my yrs of playing i dont even look at set drops anymore nor have i ever used a single set piece i just sell them for 500g

Set items IMO do need reworked or even buffed. Sets in the current state are worthless. To the point both factions have 1 rank that is pointless the set rank bonus

For me id rather see sets get reworked and give me a reason to actually use the items/set. Before adding in more set items. Current state of them just needs to be alot better first IMO