Legendary potential on guaranteed uniques, and why LP chance is arbitrary and not level req based

What about the uber-rare uniques (eg, Orian’s Eye, Ravenous Void, etc) or ones gated behind corruption? On one hand I wouldn’t want to “shortcut” those restrictions, but on the other hand, it’s not like the Runes of Ascendance are exactly common…

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Dunno. I would assume drop chance would have a similar rarity as the item does in the game, so Orions would still be extremely rare. On top of that, RoA doesn’t target beyond item slot, so you are probably going to get a junk unique.

I don’t know about the items gated behind corruption. I assume the RoA lets players get uniques from zone levels higher than that player might be at. Corruption is just another way of extending the “zone level” without actually being zone level.

Sorry, I consider the petals a quest drop.

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So let me clarify where the problem is, for me at least. It’s not a problem of knowing the exact numbers (although that would solve the problem to a large extent if they were presented in game). The problem is how legendary drops don’t follow the predefined path of how rarity currently works in the game. Everything else follows this path. A white item is common, a blue slightly less common, yellow even less common. An exalted is less common than a rare, while a two fix exalted is more rare, and a tier 6 is less rare than a tier 7. We don’t need to know the exact drop rate of each of these in order to intuit the general rarity of each. Because of this, it would be irrational for a player to be frustrated that the game won’t give them a tier 28 with their preferred affixes because the game has made it clear to them that this is an extremely unlikely item to find.

Now you could say “well uniques don’t necessarily follow the rarity system so closely. Some uniques are more rare than others, and the game doesn’t tell you exactly which ones are the most rare”. This is true, but it’s also something that has been built up in these kinds of games as an expected reality of items that fall under this rarity. Some uniques being more common than others is something that most players go into an ARPG with an understanding of. This is also when players start using third party tools to figure out the rarity of the items they want so that they don’t become frustrated with a grind that is much longer than they anticipated.

Now with the legendary system, the logic is flipped on its head. A player trying to intuit the legendary system will likely come to one of three conclusions:

  • All uniques are just as likely to gain LP
  • More rare uniques will be less likely to gain LP
  • Higher level uniques will be less likely to gain LP

Now I think the third will be the one that fewest players intuit to, because it also follows the current uniques the least closely. Not all high level uniques are rare, and therefore why would they be less likely to get LP? All uniques having the same LP makes sense because rare uniques are already defacto harder to get as legendaries. Rare uniques being less likely to get LP is a double rarity penalty, but at least it’s easy to logic out that it could be the case.

But none of those are how the system actually works. The third is the closest, but it’s not right either. Anyone believing that will believe they could target farm Petals, Gambler’s Fallacy, Avarice, Prism Wraps, Mourningfrost, Humming Bee, Reach of the Grave, Arboreal Circuit, etc. with relative ease, yet all of these are higher rarity items. (I know three of these are mechanical exceptions, but given that the whole post was about one of them, I would be remiss to omit them)

Where it really breaks down, to me, is when players begin to intuit correctly (which is likely already after they have been wrong about the system at least once), and determine that it must be based on relative power of the item. The reason this breaks down, is because in order for this to be an accurate way of predicting rarity, it requires the player to know what the devs think are powerful items, and vice versa. And the reality is, not every item a dev thinks is powerful is, and not every item a dev thinks is not powerful is not. For example, Grimoire of Necrotic Elixirs is, and has been for a long time, used in competitive arena pushing. It is a very powerful item with the lowest rarity tier. This is why I say the system is more or less arbitrary, and why expecting players to figure out a system that does not follow conventional or pre established rarity paths while also having behind the scenes number changes that can go against the perceptions of the player base is a new problem for transparency and comprehensibility that we’ve never had before.

I don’t believe at least the dev blog part of this falls on you at all. This information needs to be in the game, not in the dev blog. In 6 months it won’t matter if this was or wasn’t in the dev blog because people won’t read it. The uniques themselves need to clearly state that they cannot gain LP, so the second part here is the important part.

This would probably solve the problem right here. There are other issues IMO with hand choosing LP rarity, but a solution like this would at least make it clear to the player how likely they are to find a particular unique with LP potential, which would give them the information they need to choose whether or not to target that item.


I agree with all of this pretty much. I think the other factor that plays into this to some extent, is that if you don’t look at the official discord regularly, or read through forum posts, you have significantly less information on changes/new mechanics/additions to the game.

Case in point, the person who started this thread trying to farm lp on quest uniques 50 times. (This situation probably happening was also brought up in the feedback channel…)

And while it’s not at a really bad point yet, it does seem like this patch has kind of made it apparent that the information in the game, and the information we’re expected to know, are not the same. And alongside that, the information people would need to be able to make correct decisions about what they do for things like legendaries or crafting, isn’t in game, and doesnt seem to be intended to be known either.

For example, saying it’s unfortunate that the exact numbers came out without having ui ready. At least one person I know was planning to target farm wings until they got 3lp+, it has the same lp rarity as ravenous void. That’s extremely something the player needs to know, so they don’t end up wasting their time.

Obviously the game hasn’t got to a bad point in regards to information yet, but this patch has definitely highlighted that it could be close to falling down that rabbit hole (where you have to have a wiki etc… open to play the game)


This is sorta my issue with the system so far. When originally teased it was like “low level uniques are more likely to have LP!” Except for all the ones you care about enough to actually use, and we are not gonna tell you that!

It feels somewhat lame that there has to be exceptions built into LE at this point like that. For the quest items I can understand not wanting players to mass create and delete trying to get them. But why does humming bee and reach of the grave get crappy LP? meaningwhile the new sword which gives +1/+2 to TWO skills, is common, and gives tons of other bonuses get full potential for LP when imo its way stronger then humming bee.

So now people are gonna go grind for days get 5 humming bees, none of them are gonna have more then 1 LP if any at all and they are gonna be like “what gives”


Honestly, I don’t know that LP needs to be as rare as it currently is. I still haven’t made a Legendary because the 4 uniques I have found that have LP, I don’t have an Exalted item to go with them. If people are trying to target farm 1 or 2 specific affixes on a Legendary, they are going to have to find a lot of the unique with 1 or 2 LP, then have that many Exalteds of the item type crafted up with the affixes they are trying to target.

I really like how Legendaries are done in concept. I just don’t see it getting done as much more than throwing 2 random things together just to say you did it currently.

Yea, it’s my fault it’s not in game too :frowning:

I’m mocking some stuff up this morning and I’ll get some feedback from the team on it and go from there.

I appreciate the feedback on this from all of you. I think we can get the in-game information to a point where the relevant information is communicated well.


This is part of the value of just “running the dungeon”, you are supposed to be rewarded with items that will work in the cache. My understanding is there is currently a bug in that the unique doesn’t drop though. And of course you have no idea what combo will be presented and if it will be worth it, but you should at least be able to engage the system this way.

Not bug, but rather not actually implemented. From what it sounded like, that feature didn’t make it into the patch because the devs weren’t sure if adding a source of guaranteed lp uniques to the game was a good idea.


This is all I could find on it: Legendary Items and Eternity Cache - #139 by Reimerh_QArts

Doesn’t specifically give a reason as to why though, but yeah, not a bug then.

So rune of Ascendance can create a unique with Legendary Potential?

Yes. 5chars

I am one of those players

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Yes, but with reduced chance. Can’t find the quote, but apparently, rune of ascendance calculates the chances as if the item dropped in a level 100 zone, but then reduces them by some kind of special coefficient.


Thank you.

I was wondering if rune of ascendance had the same chance at legendary potential as a unique in the wild. Thanks for letting use know that it is lower. If you ever find the quote, please post it. I’m wondering if it factors in anything the player has agency over, such as character level or what level zone you use it in.

I agree. First, most uniques are still not deserving their spot, thus being defacto trash. Second, LP of 1 or even 2 can’t convert trash to treasure. I am playing the dungeon for the challenge, not to upgrade anything. I did a ring that drop from Orobyss with 2PL and used a decent Exalt, the result was still meh.

I think every complaint about Lego rarity is rebuffed by this, and I support it.

There’s no such thing as truly rare items in games anymore. I think it’s nice that y’all are trying to bring that back a little bit with Legos. They’re going to be extremely far from mandatory. Some people are gonna be salty because gamers have come to expect that no matter how rare a game claims something is, they can still have it. They assume that they’ll get them, plan out their “BiS” lists, and spend their time caterwauling that they have to settle for less than absolute possible perfection. I hope you’ll stick to your guns on it in spite of those people.


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