Legendary Julra's Obsession with experimental affix

Hi, I was planning a minion build with Julra’s Obsession where my character is Exanguinous/Last Steps of the Living low life. I also wanna make use of the experimental low life affix as well as Julra’s Obsession which means I need to slam the experimental affix onto the gloves.

Now I’m wondering if anyone knows how" X% of current health lost per second / X% of missing health gained per second as ward" interacts with the gloves. Are minions able to go low life with this interaction as well or is this affix completely ignored on the minions? It’s quite the investment just to test this out unfortunately.

Are minions even able to have ward as a stat?

Skeletal Mages can get ward. I do know that. I think a few others have nodes that can grant ward but I’m not a minion expert.

Minions can have ward, but iirc this stat does not work on minions as answered by mike on discord when they first came out. Something about how its weird and not intuitive because there is actually some stats minions simply dont get because something about that ability being player tagged?

A way to test this is wear exsang, then summon a manifest armor. if the type of mechanic works, your MA should use it. if it does not, then it wont work regardless of where its sourced from.

Requires a sentinel with MA however to test, which may or may not be possible for you.

Thanks, I will look into that. I hope that if the ward from missing health doesn’t apply, the % health loss each second doesn’t apply as well.

I was wondering also what other stats you can transfer onto these gloves that will also transfer onto minions. Sometimes is very difficulty to find any stats or visuals with regarding to what is affecting your minions. Is not very clear. Hope they increase the minion character stat menu with more on it that is visible.

Short update (0.9.2): I managed to slam the experimental low life affix onto Julra’s Obsession and they neither drain the health of my minions nor do they grant them ward.