LE bots are staff who care

le bots are staff deleting all my post talking about how bad the game is. :rofl:

Because other community members flagged them.


so i can’t talk about the things i don’t like about the game.fare i guess.

You can. There are lots of threads and posts out there of people discussing things about the game they don’t like. They didn’t get take down those.
So yours had something extra that caused it to be deleted.


We do not remove or take moderation actions in regards to criticizing us, our policies, or our actions. Even if the feedback is a bit heated, we know if they didn’t care, they wouldn’t have come back to provide the feedback, and so it all matters to us. The only thing we ask is that it be civil towards other members of the community, and it’s not targeted at an individual.

Comments can be hidden by the system if they are flagged by a sufficient number of users. If you have any questions or concerns about moderation actions taken by the system, or one of our moderators/staff, please do submit an appeal here: https://support.lastepoch.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=4416937240347, and it will be reviewed by someone other than the person who took the action to ensure a fair review.


Oh I like this one! The last time I asked how I could appeal something this option wasn’t given at all and i was simply ignored. That’s new! Thank you very much for implementing this or finaly show it!
Maybe it was even there and I missed it? Who knows… good to see this out in the wild for once. Could you pin this somewhere on the forums or make an “If you want to appeal a moderation descission…” thread somewhere where it could be found if there isn’t one already?

which ones? the staff alts?

Untrue you have removed many posts where people have criticizied you. I have pulled 2 from my own posts. Clearly your lying to us.

"I agree. My voidknight is bricked his potential cause some clown amongst the devs thought it was a good idea to not add mana pots to LE.

Point of ARPGs is to make crazy build, sticking a rod in wheels of mana regen is such a borked decision the person who made it should be fired and never work on another design idea again. Why this game should been fully offline like all proper arpgs
Please review our community guidelines for details."


You have articulated very well, and i would say better then the vast majority of people probably could.  I think we all appreciate feedback from a developer especially since the feedback we provided has been similar. 

Go make your own game, you would likely do it better then these clowns. Cant even get servers working after 5 years in early access.

Please review"

You also removed all posts that put the rng heavy game in bad light as you deleted both of mh videos that provide examples of how pointless it is to grind. Here are both threads


Have fun yall. After watching, did you come down to the same conclussion as me?


I am going to go touch grass now. Thanks Yall."

Finally you deleted posts that you disagree with. As you did with my arcanaphobia post.

Arcanaphobia is an irrational fear that can be corrected by free handling a spider for about 25 min irl.  Spiders are not only great for your house, they make good pets. I have free handled spiders for fun, and never been bitten once.  

Now as for allowing an option to replace all spiders with ants would probably be ok, for those who are unwilling to do the free self treatment

Please review

While I personally wouldn’t have deleted those posts, do you think that saying people should be fired & not work in an industry again is a particularly good argument?

TLDR, it comes across as a bit douchy, but IMO, not douchy enough to be deleted (edited, sure).

And the devs don’t like talking about god modes & the like so it may well be against their Ts & Cs.

Also, arcanaphobia isn’t a real word & if it was it’d probably be the fear of the arcane.

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