Sentence ends here. The rest is nonsense, and the attitude contained therein only further proves that this idea is self serving and grounded firmly in elitism and gatekeeping.
“I don’t care that my build got nerfed, I care that my build got nerfed.”
It’s as in depth as the people discussing it choose to make it.
I’m quoting this so I can reference it later, but also please yes tell us all about how you’re definitely not being elitist when you say that casual players shouldn’t get to have an opinion.
My attitude is extremely negative because it’s an offensively elitist idea.
That’s because any positive outcome to creating an in-group of self-serving players to directly advise on balance concerns is imaginary. There is absolutely no positive to alienating every other player who is not in the Cool Kids Balance Club That All Know The Game Better Than You Do, You Dirty Scrub. There is no amount of makeup you can put on that pig to make it stop being a pig.
If you want to share your views and feedback and opinions on balance, you already have the forums. The backpedaled version of this committee you (now) claim to want is no different than that unless it has an indefensible extra degree of influence on EHG’s decision-making.
You did. You literally said it. And then you said it again in the very comment I’m replying to right now. You don’t want “average joes with no experience” to have a say in balance, because they just “make random comments”.
You don’t need a special committee to express that view. Unless, of course, as you very obviously do, you want this committee - which of course you would be part of - to have influence which makes that view carry more weight than just writing it in a post would.