Last Epoch vs PoE differences

Hey all, this is an article I wrote for GamersDecide called Last Epoch vs Path of Exile: Top 10 Differences Part of our process is sharing the article to as many people as possible so I am here dropping the link.

P.S. Last Epoch is my preferred so don’t worry this is not slandering the game or amazing developers. That being said PoE is not being misrepresented either. This is just an objective comparison piece. Thank you and I can’t wait to see you in Ettera!

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I should point out that LE’s stash tabs aren’t unlimited. I think they have a cap of 200 (which is close enough to unlimited for all purposes.
It’s also not clear in the article that PoE stash tabs have to be bought with real money, though this is a minor point.

Also, in PoE you have to complete the labyrinth 4 times, not 3. And technically, you don’t need to finish act 4 in LE to choose your mastery, you just need someone to give you a lift to the end of time, which can be done at any time.

Lastly, I’d argue that LE having better graphics is debatable. It’s mostly down to preference, but there are many people that think PoE has better graphics.

Other than that, it’s a nice article, even if not too in-depth. It would have been interesting to make the comparison between the 3 games, though, and where each stands in relation to casual/hardcore players spectrum.

Nope, because it is now in chapter 2. :wink:
Used to be at the end of chapter 3, but they changed it a while ago.

I am assuming you mean Diablo 4…
I don’t know, I think PoE / LE is a more natural comparison. When I play one of these games I have the same kind of feeling, when I play Diablo 4 I feel completely different.

“Last Epoch lets you skip the campaign” might be perceived as quite a big stretch by many players. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Anyway, not a bad article, a good advertisement for Last Epoch.

I suppose nothing is truely “objective” when writing…
It reads like it is targetted at people who already know PoE but not LE. And that it is trying very hard to promote LE.
Which is fine by me! :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I meant D4. I mentioned it mostly because these are the 3 top live service ARPGs on the market right now. I agree that LE feels more like PoE, but LE stands kinda in between those 2 in regards to the casual/hardcore spectrum. So it might still be an interesting comparison for players that don’t know them all.

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I never had a character in years of PoE that just disappeared.

That is a major difference.

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Im new to LE but Ive played all the Diablo games and Poe. I think LE has a good skill tree compared to D4 - which Sucks, and less complicated than Poe. To me its fine as it is.

I dont understand the stash comparison ?? its free in LE as far as I can tell - u just spend gold for another tab where in POE u need to purchase a stash tab which is 5 USD - not a big deal really.

The only thing I am not understanding really in LE is the story - its all over the place… Once u beat that snake boss its as if u just randomly enter timelines and theres not a lot of explaining. I still like it but still trying to figure the end game out still ///

The story isn’t finished yet. So far we have 9 acts, there are 3 more still coming.

it should say, last epoch lets you skip alot of the campaign if not most. after more than 10 times through it gets tiring though