Last Epoch Trade Survey

I’m a game Path of Exile 5+ years. And for the league (~3 months) playing 2-3 hours a day, I get the most out of it. I have enough time to farm currency or items that I can sell. That is, I can just play, craft, trade and have fun. Instead of living in the game farming 1 monolith a week to knock out one thing. If I liked solo play without trading = then I would go to solo league. But like most people, I just don’t care. It is not interesting to continue playing Last Epoch until there is open free trade.

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Just don’t he starts the RMT boogyman vibes again don’t poke him ^^.

To me it’s simple and I was telling this in the beginning of the whole debate:

Make Tradegroups ( call it friendlist guil whatever)

  • You have a 1 week CD to join the group
  • You need to play at least 5h each week with people from said trade group so you can trade within the group
  • If you don’t play 5h with group members the 1 week CD kicks back in
  • if you want to leave a trade group and join another the 1 week cd kicks in

This pretty much makes RMT very complicatesd because for each RMT tranaction you have a CD and a time limit you need to play and I never heared of RMTrs who are that commited. Make the group number small like 10 people and there you go. This will counteract economy because you can choose whom you play with and you can add the droprate buff to the status of beeing in a trade group or not. Everyone and their grandma who isn’t in a tradegroup = 100% drops and everyone in a trade group xyz% drops.

It’s rather easy to do and it’s easy to observe and easy to code because if player status is Tradegroup then then Magic find is 0.xx. If player isnt in a trade group magic find is 1. Everyone can choose their poison.

  1. gifting is enough let’s go
  2. I want free trade
  3. I play SSF leave my drop rates alone
  4. I don’t care do whatever you want and leave me be soI can play the game

At least in my mind this isn’t rocketscience but waht do I know.

so, play in SSF (solo game). who interferes? why should other players suffer because of you and not enjoy the game?

There aren’t different loot mechanics in all hack and slays I know and they work in every game mode. For example PoEs drop rates are as terrible in normal as they are in SSF. That’s why everyone who want’s trade interferes with the droprates because everyone set this to be a hill to dieon and obviously thinks EHG isn’t able to come up with a smart solution because noone did so far.

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I’m honestly heavily against economy based trade. The bottom line always ends up with people playing the game less, except at the start of “cycles” or “seasons” or w/e because they spent the first week going ham, finding out what ONE build is good, farming mats to craft the top tier or best leveling gear, then dropping it into market and leaving.
It goes back to why we removed the ability to gamble for uniques. The gameplay loop became get currency, sit and spend, repeat. Theres no point in playing the game. I understand that some people dont have all the time in the world to devote to the game, but at the same time a trade system is kind of a cheap method of addressing that. ESPECIALLY if it damages casual play in order to cater to the hardcore players


I really like that LE is more focused on finding our own items, but sometimes the item chase gets a little tedious to get that one unique. I’m ok with them restricting trade somewhat , but having no trade at all gets a little stale with deterministic loot.
If they take out some items that are only in some bosses loot tables I would be ok with having no trade , if not , just allow 1-2 traded items per character , or restrict loot to non LP uniques or something else, because re running the same timeline 10 times for a rare drop and still not getting it gets boring.
I’m sure they can find a way to let some trading exist, without limiting drop rates too much, and without turning the game in an AH simulator. Hope they find a good medium point.


Trade is only one solution to this problem. Drop rate adjustments, more target farming options or other more inventive solutions could address this issue.

Out of interest, do you prefer trade to those other options? If so, why? Or why not?

These are the sorts of questions the survey is hoping to address by having a variety of questions from different angles. :slight_smile:

Yes, the solution is VERY SIMPLE! Who does not want to trade or is so afraid of trading: you play on solo servers. With a high chance of dropping things, without trading. And all other (these players are many times more): play on another server - with free trade. And everyone is fine. This issue has long been resolved in many games, and everyone is happy. Just different servers! Otherwise, because of you, 80+% of the players will not play in the LE.

I think unlimited trading (e.g. Path of Exile ), making game less enjoyable. Good items worth nothing, because you can buy almost perfect for cheap. You have to relay on trading to get build defining items, and if you choose to play without trading, it takes significantly more time to progress.
If Last Epoch will have trading it have to be limited in some way, maybe some items can not be traded ( rare crafting materials and/or items crafted with them, boss drop uniques, or items can be traded limited amount of times ), OR maybe limit trade to just friend list. Baiscally just expanded version of current ‘gifiting’, just your friends don’t have to be with you in a party to get them, but they’d have to be your friend at the time you got the item to gift it to them.


If loot drops aren’t nerfed because of trading then it will be fine, but it already looks like that if they add trading loot will be nerfed. I do not want to play a game balanced around trading.

Now if they separate the loot pools for trade and SSF that would be optimal imo. I want to be excited that I dropped an item because of what it is, not how much someone else would pay for it.


I suggest to respected developers (if it possible) conduct an experiment - open two servers:

  1. trade only if people are always together
  2. open trade without restrictions

It is obvious to all of us that on-line will be many times higher on the second server. Since free trade is what most players have been waiting for for many years


“I think unlimited trading (e.g. Path of Exile ), making game less enjoyable.”
it is not true. People love Path of Exile. Look how crazy online this game is. Do you seriously think that all these hundreds of thousands of players are playing the game and suffering?)

“Good items worth nothing, because you can buy almost perfect for cheap.”
This is also not true. Good things in the world are - expensive. Everything has its price. The game has a real economy where everyone can interact with each other. and that’s great.

yes, i have over 3k hours in POE, and trading and drops are ones of the biggest complains about the game within community, and have been for years. People do love path of exile, i love it too, but not everything about poe. and trading is one of the worst aspects of the game.


What about the people who don’t want trade, but want to play with friends? Tough luck for them?
What if instead they did SSF and limited trading between friends with heavy restrictions? Oh, then those wanting open trade would be left out!

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Just don’t trade while you play with friends?

I can do that too:

Just play the game that does have the features you want?


I had an idea for trade so I might as well share it here. Every item trade has a market fee in gold. Presumably, if you spend enough time looking for an item and don’t find it, you have found other valuable items instead and a ton of gold. You can trade the items you can’t use and the gold you found for the item you want. Balancing would be a matter of making the cost in gold reflective of the overall time one should expect to spend looking for that item. And it simulates real-world markets in that one does not simply find extremely valuable items up for trade, and as a busy adventurer you would just pay someone else to look for you.

I have never heard of an ARPG that does this.

Please, direct me to an ARPG with a “more loot but no trading mode” and a “fully fleshed out economy with lower droprates” mode that has been successfully executed.

This is the digital equivalent of sweeping dirt under the rug. Splitting the playerbase and creating more work for EHG that could instead be put towards more productive things is not a solution. There are too many edge cases that would only cause more frustration.

Here’s an example: What if someone wants to migrate a character from this hypothetical SSF mode into the trade league? You couldn’t allow that, as they would have an advantage from massively increased droprates. Depending on what is tradeable, that could disrupt the economy (or just entirely circumvent it). How do you solve that problem? Or do you just tell them to kick rocks?


One might almost say, two can play at that game…

I’ll see myself out.

Yes, that’s an auction house (or trade without an AH ala PoE), it’s kinda assumed so I’m not sure what your suggestion is (other than “hey, lets trade for a currency”).

I’m not sure Amazon/Ebay/etc would agree with you.

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Im perfectly fine with a current trade system. I have nightmares till today from wolcen RMT’s. I know its not the best example in the world as Wolcen is the most bugged game u will ever see, but still. Ive seen teens of people spaming me everyday on discord with RMT offers, people creating and buying 100 games accounts for RMT purposes, and people earning 30k dollars a month from RMTs. It’s an additional motivation to hack and break the game, and it’s money so a very big motivation, so u might expect all the hackers will come and try to break the game. So some people will pay, get the best gear, get the rank and that’s a sad story. Your self found gear will be worth close to nothing, basically like offline play for me. You will make a good item, well at least you think it’s a good item, until u will see how the other players are geared up.

I know that in the perfect world Last Epoch might be completly bug free, bot free, and there will be no duping, no boting, and no RMTs, but sadly we are not living in the perfect world.