Last Epoch tools down, everybody wants to prepare i guess xD

Is the LE tools website being down because of the overload of people trying to prepare theyre builds on it for the release? xD


I am doing exactly that soooooo…
I am at least trying to preplan my crazy build. XD


I have a crazier Idea!
I will find a way to make Forge Guard viable. XD
Not sure if preparing will help me though. XD

There are already viable FG builds. Most might not handle as much corruption as the rest, but at least one can actually handle more than most, even if it’s slow and boring (though I love it) which is the Immovable Object build.

Thx for the info, I was unaware of this I just saw everyone ranking it in D tier in all the tier list videos and thought it would be fun to make him good.
Granted the immovable object build does not fit my play style, so I am still gonna try to make a different build with him hoping for some sort of crazy meme build.

FG is definitely on the underpowered side of things and they really need some loving as well, but there are viable builds for endgame. That doesn’t mean that they are good builds, just that they can do endgame. Compared to other masteries (and especially to the new ones), they’re definitely way behind.

The only reason the immovable object build manages to actually do so well is because there aren’t that many ways to scale the damage so everything is focused on defense and you can just sit in the same place spamming rebuke (100% uptime with enough CDR), which is probably the best damage mitigation skill in the game.

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