[Last Epoch Tools] Build Planner

Yes. I know. The question is what the game does to calculate tooltip dps.

The easiest way I could think of is this:

  • Hit once; divide damage by attacktime → skill dps
  • Take one of each ailments which can be applied; multiply damage by chance and by effect and then get the damage over 1 second
  • the sum would yield an estimate to you skill dps which is uneffected by duration

As we know. Duration does not increase the damage per second of an ailment put only extends its duration resulting in a damage increase in a fight; not a single hit.

That is not technically correct. It increases effective DPS for ailments, e.g. for ailments with unlimited stacks 2x duration doubles number of stacks on the monster, doubling effective DPS. Currently this is not accounted for correctly in the game itself, but devs noted it and hopefully this will be addressed in the next update.

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No. Technically it does not increase the damage per second of an ailment in a single hit scenario. It only increases the damage in a fight with more than one hit.

The easiest way to calculate an estimate of dps is to apply one instance of a skill and scale all its damage to one second

  • Hit: hitDamage / attacktime → skill damage per second
  • Ailment: totalAilmentDamage / duration → ailment damage per second
    • totalAilmentDamage: numberOfAilmentsStack * ailmentDamage * (1 + ailmentEffect) * (baseDuration * (1 + durationIncrease))
    • duration: baseDuration * (1 + durationIncrease)

If you now increase the duration you get the same damage for the ailment as the increase cancels out in nominator and denominator.

Of course it should be done differently but this would be a valid way to calculate an estimation which would result in no change for increased duration.

As I stated before, I was talking about effective DPS, which is in fact increased and I believe tooltips should display effective DPS.

For your information, in game tooltip DPS uses effective DoT damage, not single hit DoT damage.

Of course it should show effective dps! But the arising question then is allways what is the assumed duration of the fight used for calculation. As through ramp up the effective dps can differ a lot for different durations.

For some builds this can probably done by easily calculating the stationary point. Just considering ailments would make this very easy. But the resulting effective dps would be really missleading as it can not reached in short duration fights due to ramp up.
For buffs like aspect of the shark (with stacking), which have some form of quadratic scaling, as more stacks result in more speed resulting in more stacks this would even be a more difficult question.

I would aslo be interested if we really know what the game tooltip should show? Any comments from the devs what the assumptions are? I found no information in the tooltips or the game guide.

I mean, my rive bleed paladind shows a tooltip dps of 65k but has a dps of around 400k for a 60s fight. Considering a 20s fight the dps only gets to around 320k.

Current in game tooltip DPS for DoT is: base damage * [total increased] * [totalmore] * (1 + increased effect) * (1 + increased duration / base duration) * (1 + penetration) * chance to apply, where base damage is total damage for the whole duration, e.g. 35 Fire for Ignite.
And this bit (1 + increased duration / base duration) is buggy, it was reported and should be fixed in future updates.

As for the ramp up time - yeah, it’s difficult to account for. In general ramp up time = duration * (1 + increased duration) until somewhat constant number of stacks on target, but of course fights can be much shorter.

I’ve had this conversation with Dammitt before & he’s correct.

The duration of the fight doesn’t matter for a damage per second calculation, unless you have offensive buffs with a cooldown.

Hi there, I just noticed that Raven’s Rise gloves aren’t adding +2 to Volatile Zombies skill.


1 bleed per hit; 2s fight, 1 aps, bleed dps = 13.25

  • 0: bleed1 applied, no damage
  • 1: bleed2 applied, bleed1 deals damage, 13.25 damage
  • 2: bleed1+2 deal damage, 2 * 13.25 damage
  • 3: bleed1+2 deal damage, 2 * 13.25 damage
  • 4: bleed1+2 deal damage, 2 * 13.25 damage, bleed1 falls off
  • 5: bleed2 deals 13.25 damage, bleed2 falls off

→ 106 damage over 5 seconds → 21.2 dps
→ 39.75 in first 2s → 19.875 dps (considering only time you still hit)

1 bleed per hit; 3s fight, 1 aps, bleed dps = 13.25

  • 0: bleed1 applied, no damage
  • 1: bleed2 applied, bleed1 deals damage, 13.25 damage
  • 2: bleed3 applied, bleed1+2 deal damage, 2 * 13.25 damage
  • 3: bleed1+2+3 deal damage, 3 * 13.25 damage
  • 4: bleed1+2+3 deal damage, 3 * 13.25 damage, bleed1 falls off
  • 5: bleed2+3 deal damage, 2 * 13.25 damage, bleed2 falls off
  • 6: bleed3 deals damage, 13.25 damage, bleed3 falls off

→ 159 damage over 6 seconds → 26.5 dps
→ 66.25 in first 3s → 22.08 dps (considering only time you still hit)

Thanks! I’ll fix it in the next update.

Yes, the dps calculation gets a bit wonky when you approach the duration of the stacks, or cooldowns.

It is more or less the point where you reach your maximum stacks. Not considering buffs this can be calculated easily but gets way more complicated in other situations.

I just think that a single tooltip dps never will be a good estimation or a build.

Yes, at that point it becomes (Ailment DPS per stack x hits per sec x chance to apply Ailment x Ailment total duration).

Small update:

  • Fixed an issue with +X to Y Minion Level of Skills stats not handled properly
  • Fixed an issue in Calculations tab where % values were rounded to integers, now they show up to two decimal places


Quick update - Forge Guard Mastery 35% Physical and Fire Resistance… Your planner has it at 30%.


Thanks for pointing that out! There’s another mod incorrect and couple more missing, this will be fixed in the next update.



  • Elemental Nova is now also in the list of skills that show DPS and all skill damage/dps breakdown. Currently in the game itself Elemental Nova tooltip DPS is completely incorrect, because it uses default skill data, not specific X nova skill data. In planner you can see correct total DPS, plus DPS and damage breakdown for particular X nova skill.
  • Fixed incorrect/missing mastery bonuses for Void Knight, Forge Guard, Paladin and Marksman
  • Fixed DPS calculation for non-stackable ailments (it now properly accounts for APS, lowering actual DPS significantly compared to in-game tooltip DPS)

Thanks for all your hard work Dammitt, your tool is an invaluable help :smiley:

I dunno if it’s me but on opera and firefox the planner is messed up now. cant put in passives in mastery trees past a certain point and the icons on the skill tree has missing icons.

Hey… With the recent update, you may have to clear your browser caches to ensure that the latest version of the build planner is running…

I can confirm that it does work fine on Firefox 89.0.2