Last Epoch: The Imperial Uprising Event Patch Notes

If it runs better on lower end hardware, then that’s more a driver thing and less an optimization thing.

they already said viable to them was clearing 300 corruption … and basically everything is there already since 1.1 started

thats a strange goal/strategy. Why should someone play a build which clears 300 in 5 mins with no room for going for more corr. than choosing a build which does corr 1000 in 2 mins easily

Maybe I misunderstood or maybe it was miscommunicated, but it was my impression there’d be balance patch notes today.

All in all:

Bazaar changes:
Ok, affix searching has been implemented.

That’s all?

What about the missing affixes in the search function? Are they added? Otherwise it’s a bit better usable but still not baseline functional.
Will we see a price-check function?
What about the one-click gold redeem? Or has at least the UI been adjusted to always show unclaimed ones as the first ones listed.
What about defaulting to ‘gold low to high’ instead of newest nobody cares about?

It’s been 5 months since MG was implemented and you postponed the ‘grand’ UI adjustments past 1.1 since it wasn’t been able to be done… and that’s all which was done? Come on EHG, don’t drop the ball so hard, you can do better then that.

Dungeon changes:
Ok, makes it easier.

Once again… that’s all?
I hope that’s massively addressed in 1.2 or at least soon instead.

Overall… the event itself seems nice, but that’s definitely not the expected amount of bugfixes or UI fixes/changes.
Kinda disappointed I gotta say.

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It was noted in the original event announcement that it likely wouldn’t include balance changes.

Also, EHG_Justin provided details about why they didn’t include balance changes in this update within a Reddit post:

Judd Cobler, EHG CEO and LE Game Director, also included this within another Reddit post wanting balance changes in this update:

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Are you running in Online or True Offline?

this too the performance is astrocious even after just playing for 2-3 hours my fps gets cut in half and i need to restart my pc to fix the issue not even restarting game alone fix it

nah people with your mindset are the reason why comapanies like blizzard shine and still make milions of profit even tho they bring out no new content for years you can try tell me again this when they release 1.2 cycle and they will get peak 10k players from 200k becuz everyone will have forgotten about this game already cuz the devs delay their updates and your entire post is just an opinion aswell

Viable =/= Meta

If it can clear 300 corruption in 5 minutes, it’s a viable build.

If it can clear 1000 corruption in 2 minutes, it’s a meta build.

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Okay this “event” patch had a lot more stuff to it than I expected. This sold me on trying out MG for the first time with the reset.
Nice work :slight_smile:

I’m still hoping for some balance adjustments down the line before 1.2 hits. Just to make the game fresh from a build perspective.

on high game settings, after an average of 2-3 hours of gameplay, my computer freezes too and I have to restart it. The only solution is to restart the game earlier.

so it isnt just me good to know but still stupid i never seen such terrible peformance issues in any game before

Know what you mean, but slightly disagree.
In LE viable = shitty build, “meta” = builds which kind of work and provide fluent gameplay.

Gap is just too big imo

Amazing, I’m sooooo excited! Great work!

It’s not a new “cycle”, “run”, or “season”, it’s a reset of 1.1. The new cycle is going to hit 1Q 2025. You might want to get your facts straight before you post a rage.

As far as “new things” goes, they are implementing some new shrines and loot lizards, plus giving us a Stash Tab Priority system.

not my words … they litterally said they ballance around 300 to be considered good enough

this too xD


Haven’t tried the game in true offline.
Think it’s something ISP related? I don’t have any issues with other online ARPGs.

I just know that online has been plagued with latency issues causing lag and presumably fps drops since it launched. Not sure how much better it’s gotten since then as I play in True Offline