Last Epoch Patch 1.1.3 Notes

The whole “completing one single echo immediately leads to a Shade that brings your corruption right to corruption 300 → X” looked a bit jarring at first, but remembering that blessings are saved among accounts (which would have been the main reason to speedrun a timeline boss before reaching a preferred corruption level), the decision makes more sense.

What I do have to laugh at is people getting mad over EHG fixing exploits. It’s almost as if fixing exploits is easier and more time-efficient than completely redesigning a core game system from the ground up. Because when people purposely exploit the game for reasons they convince themselves it’s okay, it’s totally the game’s fault and has absolutely nothing to do with player perceptions. No, siree.

If people want to play 1,000 Corruption screen wide explosion simulator, they already have the perfect outlet for that. It’s called offline mode, and no, you will not convince me that having a 0.0001% LP3 Unique drop randomly for some other player and having that player sell that item to you is any more legitimate than just creating the item yourself (as long as the item is possible within the game’s boundaries). So why this hand-wringing over all the extra steps when you can play offline mode to test out that build you really want to play?

Ultimately, it’s up to EHG to decide what they want to create a trading system for. I assume the favor system is in place to stop terminally online people from sitting in the market all day and playing the economy rather than playing the game. Is creating a market for people who want to play 8+ hours a day “better” in the long run than creating a market for people who simply like playing the game and putting their item in the market hoping they’ll get an extra boost for something they will want down the road? Nobody wants to feel time-gated, but at the same time, nobody wants an empty market with impossible to obtain items because miscreants spend all day playing the market. And not to mention the impact the gold dupes have left on the dev’s mind. I hope the devs who actively implement the market can share their thoughts in some sort of dev blog, I’d love to hear how they handle all these considerations.

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Awesome QoL changes for corruption catch up, the fact that it carries over between characters is incredibly nice of ehg. Did I miss somewhere that Temporan Sanctum is locked until its fixed? Is there an armor slam npc somewhere so we can slam gear perhaps trade a key for a slam? Im kinda stuck on my character until i can slam, half my gears uniques with lp

“I like some of these changes so I should not give feedback on the parts I dont like or the things still not changed or fixed”

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But it has nothing to do with cycle seeing a decline in number of concurrent players. I love LE but there is just nothing to do once you kill harbringers and abberoth and being constantly on monoliths is not a great fun either.

Don’t get me wrong I like the game and I support devs but there is a need for more variety of content before I’ll be sticking the whole cycle. I did what was available and now am not turning on the game as frequently as in first week. It is just the nature of the game + lack of content at this stage.


This is great well done on this patch :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I play on the EU servers and never managed to get to floor 2 in 5-6 attempts, every time I got disconnected.
Yesterday I tried on US East and had no problem, made all my slams.

Awsome!! Keep progressing the game that alot of people love!!

Strange. Slammed new helm, EU. In legacy :roll_eyes:
Maybe it is a cycle only problem?

With no currency and no item reselling there is no “playing economy” realistically speaking. Favor is actually detrimental to casual players - you see that in your maxroll guide or whatever you have a legendary as BiS item, so you buy an exalted item and a 2lp unique, slam it, you miss. Oh well, you have to try again. But you can’t, since you don’t have favor. You’re not at high enough corruption to farm favor at an efficient rate. So you sit there for an hour or two farming favor just to brick the item again. You quit, because you have the gold needed from a random lucky drop that you’ve sold, but you don’t have the faction currency to actually use it.

You’re right, I can’t convince someone who doesn’t even get what modern ARPGs are all about.

Stop beclowning yourself. Clown paint is not a good look on you.

Casual players aren’t looking for S-tier builds, yeah, they might look at a guide to see what to reasonably expect, but ultimately it’s going to come down to whether they enjoy the combat feel of their preferred playstyle. They’re not obsessing over BiS items or “efficient” ways to farm the most gated currency, whether that’s gold or favor of whatnot. They’re playing builds that they like and want to experience the game for what it is, and when they have their fill, they stop playing, not everybody has to play a game for 100 - 1000 hours. If a particular 2LP legendary (that is intended to be a rare experience) slam is so build-defining that people can’t function without them, that says more about the unique being unbalanced than any perception about the build itself.

If the game was simply about “making builds,” as some people put it, then they already have the tools at their hands to make the exact build they’d like to play. The fact that people choose not to utilize this avenue and then complain that the game doesn’t cater to them is something that the devs can choose whether or not to take seriously.

Because I do try to understand the viewpoints of the people that come here, I welcome a discussion about the trading system as a whole, how people are perceiving it, and proper avenues that aren’t, “I want everything I want and I want it instantly.” I’d rather have the devs not pursue non-problems and work on fixing things that are actually problems, such as the disconnects, desyncs, and basic functionalities not working.

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You can kill bosses in this game after gaining enough timeline stability. After you kill a boss, stability is reduced and you need to raise stability again. Killing a boss without killing its harbringer doesn’t drop any loot and doesn’t reduce stability. Getting boss XP and favor without getting loot and reduced stability is clearly a bug. It’s not a nerf, it’s a bugfix of an exploit. In my eyes farming favor this way is pretty much in the same league as duping gold with the trading bug.

The auction interface is like this - LMAO

So i just launched the game after the patch and I don’t know if it is just me… but personally I don’t like the new SFX for bash shield - it feels empty, dull without power, sounds like pipes clanking. It was my main for this cycle, tbh because of that one change not quite sure if I want to play bash anymore right now, wish it could be improved.

You’re saying buying a rare drop from another player is just as fair as cheating it in. If I’m the clown, then you’re personally overseeing the entire circus market.

If you just want to play the build as the most powerful version it can be and blow up things and feel powerful in a single player game, the concept of “fairness” is completely irrelevant, and thus cheating the item in shouldn’t matter (again, if you’re just playing it for yourself and care not for multiplayer competition). But I suspect we’re not talking about just wanting to play the build, but competing in a transient ladder where one placement in one patch has no bearing on future patches.

If ladder placement is the only thing that matters, then there’s many more problems a dev team has to face, not the least of which is people organizing in groups, hoovering up all the meta-relevant items and gatekeeping everyone else from competing. Especially if it comes to Unique items that are great with 0 LP, but skyrocket in power if you have the exact affix you want alongside the great Unique item with 2 LP. If we try and use numbers and say 1,000 people want to play the top-ranked build, but the Unique item with 2 LP is only designed by rarity to drop 100 times per cycle, then playing the economy becomes that much more necessary and the power gap between those who can organize the sales and those who can’t become that much greater. The only way to introduce any amount of fairness is to lower the gap between a 0 LP Unique and a 2 LP Legendary with perfect affixes, but considering how many general Uniques there are, alongside how many build-defining affixes there are in general (especially those that give +skill points to a meta-relevant skill) that’s a near-impossible task.

And of course you have to account for the possibility of the 2LP slam giving perfect affixes to one player and being a complete dud for another player. How is that fair in the competitive sense?