Last Epoch Patch 1.1.3 Notes

Amazing, really love the change to death screen!

Well actually most complaints are corruption not being shared across account. And then performance and bug issues. And all of those still remain


donā€™t bite the hand that feeds you man. They gave us dessert, take it, enjoy it

Where is shared corruption?

A lot of those enemy changes were listed in the original 1.1 notes. Does that mean they werenā€™t actually applied at that time, theyā€™re unintentionally duplicated here, or there were additional similar changes applied on top?

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Finally another very important step into the right direction. Cant wait to test it.

This is the core problem. Especially for MG. Favor prices should be reduced by 80%.

I have a 100 level, 90 level, and 2 other alts and Iā€™m out of favor.

  • I have to log in to farm favor instead of just playing the game. It really kills all excitement about finding great items and creating new builds or Alts.

If time wasting mechanics like Favor and Temporal Sanctum (with all itā€™s bugs) arenā€™t removed. (just let us Unlock a Legendary Forge) I likely wonā€™t even bother checking out next cycle. Why? Because Iā€™m exhuasted and donā€™t want to do pointless time-sink mechanics for 100ā€™s of hours every cycle just because they exist. They arenā€™t fun and it reminds me of Activision Blizzard tactics.

With that said there are a lot of HUGE positive changes in this patch. Iā€™d like Wengari and Spire maps to be outright removed since itā€™s not a fun map mechanic. Wengari spires will kill a perfect Min/Max Sentinel instantly in low corruption so I think their damage was supposed to be nerfed by 210% not 21%.

Hopefully big patches continue to happen with fixes and can bring people back to the game that have already left due to bugs and other issues. This cycle had a lot of hype and itā€™s been rough and draining instead.

Iā€™d like to think this doesnā€™t come off the wrong way. I applaud positive fixes but we still got a lot of CORE big issues to solve ahead otherwise itā€™s just not worthing trying the New content in the next cycle.

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WOW! Love these changes so far! The DOTs were definitely causing some issues and it seems like they have been fixed! Kudos to you EHG, always one step ahead of how players are feeling.

It seems a great patch with a lot of qol changes. Thanks, letā€™s play it!

Awwww, I actually enjoyed this oneā€¦but I can see it getting repetitive.

I just liked how solid all of the hits were. :slight_smile:

:metal: unce unce unce unce :metal:


The reality is that ā€œdivergent gameplayā€ is what makes people engage in the game. Tuning in to a streamer mindlessly running 100 bland monotonous echoes one after the other with the occasional boss is already a meme. People using a mechanic that gimps part of your progression (no items) to accelerate the tedium of having to grind ranks means that favor gain is very badly balanced. Itā€™s a downspiraling closed loop: Need favour for better chances at good gear ā†’ Need to do higher corruption because favour takes forever to acquire at 100-200 corruption ā†’ Canā€™t do higher corruption because you need good gear that is unlikely to drop or be bought for a reasonable price. Gating the dopamine behind 50+ hour time sunk with a S tier build is bad game design, cracking down on workarounds without fixing the underlying issue alienates players who want consistent progress towards their goals.


Glad thereā€™s so many fixes, keep up keeping it up!
Please donā€™t forget this issue though

I dont actually disagree with the idea favor grind is booty.

But as far as I know this mechanic wasnt being used to actually grind ranks, it was being used to grind favor for prophecies on already maxed/high corruption players.

But they should still fix weird lame gameplay. Id much rather wait for them to fix favor and have people running the echos, then having people ā€œfixā€ it themselves with cringe anti fun mechanics.

this is similar to when chests could spawn in arena echos, and the gameplay strat was ā€œopen arena echo, open chests, leave echo and repeatā€ Even if it was ā€œbalancedā€ around not having the best loot, we should just close dumb loopholes like that.

The corruption catch-up is great! I also love the death screen changes and glad to see the poison nemesis caught a nerf (itā€™s killed me more than the rest of them lol).
Awesome stuff EHG!

Then I guess we can settle on this one - the underlying issue isnā€™t fixed and oneā€™s view on the aftermath is subjective. Iā€™m in the camp that despises getting the rug being pulled out from under them without the issue leading to this being addressed and itā€™s a personal opinion. Iā€™d much rather grind another game where I have better linear returns to my time invested starting tomorrow and not returning to LE seasons until this is addressed :smile:

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I want to play Last Epoch I donā€™t want to play grind Favor simulator.

The fact that we are going too extremes to figure out the most Favor per hour and have to grind for endless hours wasting time instead of playing the game highlights the core issue that isnā€™t resolved.

Now we will fall back on the next best Favor per hour grind ā€œIFā€ we want to attempt to keep playing. Since you canā€™t play the game until you grind favor everyday. Itā€™s just as bad as all the Time-sink mechanics Activision uses in WoW to keep people logged in for longer.

We donā€™t need pointless time-sink mechanics.

Outstanding! Thank you very much for your hard work.

That corruption change is so nice. Might have to come back and finish Aberroth after Iā€™m done with PoE league.

Still no evade bug fix for offline? Guess I have to wait another cycle to play again.