Last Epoch Patch 1.0.4 Notes

Does this fix the issues with Echoes Inside and Army of Wraiths bugging when summoning wraiths?

Hi, the Wraithlord bug is still ingame…sometimes he doesn’t attack and you need to log out and back in…makes the build unplayable recently as its happening quite often. Is there an ETA on this fix?


Have you tried to just resummon your wraithlord or teleport him with minion teleport? Idk my wraithlord is working fine except for the occasional tokio drift but you can also cut this with minion teleport. I never need to relog with my wraithlord and it is far from unplayable.

Maybe next time dont build builds that abuse bugs. Its against tos, instead of getting mad that they patched a bug be happy they didn’t ban you for abusing it.

Why so strict? You could make it like: “You can no longer gain experience while in the grace period after level 50(for examle)”. Good option for pwrlvling alts with friend’s help. Takes 25-30 mins. Because in any ARPG project, where a real gameplay starts in endgame content, it is very boring to go through the same campaingh again and again with every single character you made.

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Hahahahahha yeah don’t do that!

Says they don’t balance around trade but keeps nerfing CoF because of trade.

What happened to the 71.9% of players not wanting something nerfed if it wasn’t due to a bug?

“Actuallyyyyy” the players voted about nerfing builds, not faction mechanics XDDDD

These are not “bug fixes” but more “fun reduction fixes”.

Since every build contains bugs, when you go to choose what to fix, you are also choosing what to balance. Or the other way around.

Why would you need FPS when you’re NOT playing and you’re reading items?

because it stutters the damn game

The players overwhelmingly voted, consistently, that nerfing OP items and skills only applies to bugs. You would have to assert that the playerbase has a differing viewpoint that can be extrapolated from this information.

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To be honest there have been only a few changes I looked at fondly. Nerfing double XP tomes makes sense. Nerfing the keys was predatory and mitigated with stash tab discounts(still not enough). Almost every other decision has been to go against their position of not nerfing power. While stunting player progression at every turn. It’s a sad reflection of Diablo but really. Nerfing the fun out of the game while REAL issues are plaguing any multiplayer experience. It is like pulling teeth trying to play for any amount of time with your friends. Those are game breaking bugs. Not the ability for me to use the tools you gave me to fight the monsters. Lets be able to fight them first shall we???

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The players were given a survey after they were frustrated that EHG nerfed the game. They were salty and a good amount felt Fomo for not playing the top tier builds. They used it to save their ass then double down against their own position of not nerfing player power. The arugument “well they did a survey” Misses the whole cause and effect point of this situation and is very tone deaf.

Thanks for nothing.
It seems D4 is improving with season 4.
Your game is dying.
6000 fewer players every day.
You cant’t handle it in Beta, you can’t now.

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These people don’t care if you’re having fun or what’s fun for you. You have to like what they like. And if you don’t, you’re a hater.

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Its normal season dropoff. D4 was flatlined 2 days after releasing the gauntlet.

Yes d4 is improving, by letting go of their pride and copying systems that actually work, but last epoch isnt bad just because you cant rely on abusing bugs anymore -_-

There are plenty of legit ways to make a powerful build, go create/follow one and stop whining.

Yes, because LE is such a great ARPG, players are running away in droves after just 4 weeks. Go ahead and kid yourself. D4 was bad and is still bad but they have the ability to make it good. EHG does not have the skills required to do this. LE was a bugfest in beta, still is and always will be.

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