Last Epoch Hotfix


Loyalist Undead

  • Magic loyalist undead have 31% less health at level 60 and below, scaling to 18% less health at level 100.
  • Rare loyalist undead have 15% less health at level 60 and below, scaling to 5% less health at level 100.
  • Magic loyalist undead deal 7% less damage.
  • Rare loyalist undead deal 9% less damage.
  • Reduced the maximum amount of magic loyalist undeads each pack can spawn with. On average this means their spawn rate is reduced by 13%.

Transfusion Casket

  • Deal 10% less damage.
  • Rare versions deal 16% less damage.
  • Unearthed Bonespike deals 14% less damage.
  • All these changes are mutually multiplicative, so Unearthed Bonespikes from a rare Transfusion Casket deals about 50% less damage.

Acid Trap mod

  • Acid traps last a maximum of 15 seconds (from 20).
  • Magic loyalist undead throw 30% fewer acid traps.

Lightning Retaliation mod

  • Lightning bolts from rare loyalist undead produce 3 sparks, from 4.
  • Sparks from lightning bolts from rare loyalist undead last 4 seconds (from 6).
  • Rare loyalist undead retaliate with lightning bolts about 12% less frequently.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed obstacle checks for dash skills, such as evade and shift, being much harsher than in 1.1.
    • Prior to this fix, these skills stopped at the edge of any obstacle, meaning that you couldn’t evade through small obstacles or the corners of walls.
  • Fixed a bug that made buffs and debuffs (including Shrines) seem to persist between zones erroneously in Online play.
    • Now those icons are shown correctly cleared from the UI on zone changes. Active buffs still carry over between zones in Offline play as before.
  • Fixed a bug where Warpath cast directly by the player was benefitting
    from the damage bonus applied to Warpath from shrines, and this bonus
    also incorrectly applied even after the shrine ended.
  • Fixed a bug where Warpath’s echoes damaged enemies near the player instead of at the echo’s position.
  • Fixed certain idol affixes being missing from the Bazaar selector.
    • Increased damage over time.
    • Elemental resistance.
  • Fixed an issue where the waypoint was flickering in Champion Gate and The Frozen Roots.
  • Fixed missing images in the game guide.
    • Stash Priority, Loot Lizards, Shrines.
  • Fixed an issue where a white box would appear on the loading screen while transitioning between scenes.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed skipping the fight with Haruspex Orian.
  • Fixed a bug where killing your first Harbinger didn’t always correctly count for progression in the Forgotten Knight’s faction.
    • This caused players to join the Faction but be at rank 0 instead of 1.
  • Fixed a bug where Harbinger’s Crest didn’t block the Harbinger from spawning if a player was rank 0 in the Forgotten Knight’s faction.
  • Fixed an issue with correctly switching between multiple controllers’ input.
  • Fixed a case where the tooltip in the inventory would close when another player exited/entered the targeting area.
  • Reduced lag spikes when encountering loot lizards.

Great thank you so much. Now please for God’s sake keep this favour gain the default. This seems so much better than the launchh and first cycle. This much favour gain rate really encourages us to play and blast so much more. I love this game and am really counting on u guys to keep it alive by incentivising players.


That’s more than true, favor gains should be like that from the beginning of 1.1


(post deleted by author)

Yes, thanks for all the fixes and I agree with the favour gain… it’s not free to reach the lvl 12 but now it’s not an unnessessary pain anymore


Thanks for the warpath echo fix!! Can finally go back to my VK. I also agree with the others, please keep favour gain as is, it’s about right. Pre-favour numbers were offputting.

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Oh thank you. I have been having such a hard time with those Transfusion Caskets. I’m serious. Anytime I see them, I just portal out and start over. Much appreciated tweak.

Thanks. Those casket things kept 100-0ing me at random lol

+1 to favor gain to remain like this


GJ, thx.

Noooooooooo, just switch back to the buggy damage made near the character… For the first time Warpath VK felt like a meta build where you had a nice clear speed without having to return to your echos 2 screens away… The new version feels sooooo weak :frowning:

Thank god for that transfusion casket damage nerf, great patch!

Has Flame Rush been fixed with this as well then?

Funny enough , the warpath bug made clearing a lot smoother. Wish there was a node on the tree that got rid of echoes.

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oh yes! It could be even like a node where you could get points for % echo damage done by character… i.e. 4 points in node “the echo within”, each point gives 25% of the echo damage on character but loses the damage on the echos.

It exists, it’s called playing a Forge Guard/Paladin :smiley:

Thank you EHG, I greatly appreciate this nerf, can’t wait to finish work today so I can get my mono grind on.

What do you mean? Warpath doesn’t even echo naturally. You have to get the node to do specifically that, and it has no effect if you’re not a Void Knight.
So you would get the node that makes it echo, then get the node to get rid of echoes? :sweat_smile:

edit: oh, you mean echo as a whole, not only for Warpath, sry xD

External controller on Steam Deck keeps losing focus on some dialogue windows. This is new (frustrating) behavior after this patch. Seems to be the case where tapping A sometimes takes preference of cursor position vs affinity for selected dialogue choice, then loses focus entirely on dialogue box for dpad selection.

Edit: This gets so messed up, you need to restart the Steam deck client to “fix” the selection affinity for controller. Which… if you play more than an hour of echos, you need to restart the steam client anyway because of the massive slowdown and eventual crashing. Likewise the Steam Deck client suffers from the same Unity bug that the PC version had where graphic settings get reset randomly while playing (fps drops to defaults, etc).

It would be great if the Steam Deck client could get some attention here because the experience is still quite frustrating over the PC. I would say the Steam deck/controller experience is about 80% of the way there but no where near as smooth as it should be to be considered stable.

Edit2: It’s absolutely frustrating that you said the Steam Deck client was stable and ready but it clearly isn’t. This has eroded a lot of trust for me, as a long-time supporter. Please do the right thing here. Having to restart the client hourly because input no longer works or the game starts getting so laggy it’s unplayable (this is a WIRED connection, not wifi) is disappointing.

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No, he meant a node in Warpath that got rid of the echoes & gave Warpath a damage buff. Kida treating the echoes as clear & this putative node single target.