Last Epoch Hotfix

This. Or: make a node that the echos are not stationary but follow your character closely.


That would be good for warpath echoes.

As a Rogue Main, these fixes seem great for me. Hated the amount of times my shift/evade would bug out from using it a lot + Getting one shot everytime by a Transfusion Casket cause you can hardly tell when they’re gonna melee + The Loyalist Undead being less OP with the Sparks, was super annoying when you have full resistences as a Rogue but still get slaughtered because a few Loyalists spawned some lightning balls in.

Oh we already killed Abberoth and quit because of the Boss-Ward and not wanting to re-do the campaign for alts, alongside how insanely overtuned dogwater those mobs you just now nerfed were.

But uhh…good changes? Better late then never I guess?

Uh, But that’s what I initially posted responding to him. It doesn’t make any sense, because Warpath cannot echo naturally. I don’t get why there would be a node for making Warpath echo, then another one to make it not echo anymore.

Imagine a lightning skill with a fire conversion node and also another node to revert the conversion, making it a lightning skill again after it was converted to fire. :sweat_smile:

If one wants to play Warpath without echoes, he just have to NOT pick the node that makes warpath echo in the first place, and put the points in any damage nodes. Wouldn’t it achieve the same “get rid of echo and buff the damage” effect?

But what I do think could be something is what I thought he actually meant: there would be a node in the passive’s tree that would get rid of echoes in general and give you a buff whenever a skill would have echoed, something like that.

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It actually makes quite a difference. Currently, you put a stationary echo, which does not only do the damage of warpath but has its own modifiers, specifically “increased echo damage when a skill echos”. If you would put that echo attached to your character it would still randomly appear but your character would do the additional damage. Not taking the warpath echo nodes simply does lose you on the echo damage and the use of the build affixes.

Now why does it feel completely different? Currently you have to run through mobs several times at higher corruption to create echos within the mobs. For small groups you just run through them and its done. Sometimes you just run away and your echos do the job. There are 2 main drawbacks. First you have to go back to your old echo position to pick up gold and items, if creeps died there. And second, when you run quite fast it often happens that your echo finishes off the enemies out of screen. so you do not SEE the gold or the items that drop (unless its uniques, which show on the minimap). So you might lose out on those juicy T7 exalteds…

During the bug time we got a feel how this would be… and it felt amazing! You just went through mobs like a razor blade, sometimes suddenly missing out damage because of vanishing echos… you saw all the stuff drop close to your character… it was just wonderful! Clear speed went up so much… I would trade 2 Skill points in the passive tree everytime for “attached echos”, even if they would only do like 70% of their damage!

As stated above, you would not have the increased echo damage affixes working. Nor would you have the “ramdom damage spike” of appearing and disappearing echos.