Last Epoch Hotfix Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Seed of Ekkidrasi’s “Endurance applies to Mana” effect using uncapped endurance. This fixes the player becoming immortal with 100% endurance and 100% of damage dealt to mana.

You guys have no sense of fun. First you nuke my Rip Blood/Bone Curse loop on the flakiest of grounds (something about “melting servers” :roll_eyes:) & now this?


you forgot to fix the dupe. it still works but apparently you don’t care

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Which one? The one where you’d trade with someone & use an editor to change how much gold was being traded? Pretty sure that’s been “fixed” (ish) by disabling p2p trade.

But the main dungeon of the game disconnecting or desyncing players at a 50% rate is okay right?

Every time you guys patch something like this on the fly but ignore game breaking dupes, inflation, and Temporal Sanctum not working players like myself just hate you more and dont want to spend a penny on this game.

Want us to buy supporter packs and MTX? Provide the base service you promised when we bought the damn game.

This isnt F2P, its supposed to work at bare minimum…


Thank you for your hard work and love you pour into this game. Those of us that have been around for a long time have nothing but faith in you.


Spending times nerfing exploits when the basic functionality of dungeons is breaking. Please get your priorities straight and fix dungeons or at the very least move the stupid forge outside of the temporal sanctum since you can’t fix it.


Thanks for the hard work guys, whatever giving or pushing near inmortality conditions just makes no sense, feeling some incomming damage make any game make sense. Keep up with the good work.

Nerf Sorcerer and SpellBlade, need balance!!!

Funny how some people get upset they dont get to be 100% immortal


Don’t worry, sorcerer being popular and OP will be trashed next cycle.
It’s the players fault to only play Op things the devs themselves reintroduce to the game.

Fix enemy dot damage!!!

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