Last Epoch Hotfix Notes

Any update on fixing the flurry/multishot for rogue. It doesn’t proc the shots half the time


I appreciate and understand that concern, but personally, their current value is too low for me to bother picking them up at all when they drop in an echo, or as scripted reward for an echo I “had to” go through to navigate the echo web - which, in my humble opinion, feels like a sign that it might a little too low.

I know that balancing is deceptively hard, and that, when it comes to gold balancing specifically, situations where a gold farming strategy becomes far superior to others can probably arise surprisingly fast; but I feel like the current values might be a little on the low side. (Just my two cents as “one player” of course, I don’t claim to speak for the community in anyway)

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If some change was meant to happen before 1.0, but didn’t make it into cycle, is it a bug (something that works not as intended)?


Lets be real here people. You are nerfing your player base instead of fixing the game. Oh no this node give me more ward??? At least it is unlike half of the other talents that don’t function properly period. Playing with your buddies??? Not gonna happen. But thank god we can’t sell our keys anymore PHEW. You nerf things that give us purpose and drive. Hamstringing your players at every turn both monetarily and power level wise is a true weakmindedly move.


Have not seen this kind of transparency with balance adjustment since ghostcrawler wow days. This game is very quickly sealing itself as top arpg for me.


A change/fix being set forth prior to a patch release is unrelated to this distinction I would feel - It may or may not be a bug. As long as there isn’t an underlying bug, purely changing balance would be a change, as under this assumption, the numbers had met the intention at the time.

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I feel like you didn’t read original post…

I don’t think there was any type of malicious intent.

Very plausible and easy for me to imagine that someone had a list of changes on their to-do list. Came into work, was able to implement them, and they were rolled into the game.

They’re letting us know here and now that community feedback has led them to rethink what should and should not be rolled out mid-cycle.

They’re people. They too want a fantastic game and happy community.

Your frustration very much comes through… I am wondering if perhaps the Blizzards of the world have jaded you so deeply that you no longer recognize/trust good people attempting to do the right thing?


So, what is the justification for actively disabling the Monolith Echo Reward upgrade no longer working on XP Tomes? CoF levellingspeed is already so much slower than MGs and this was working as advertised.


Dunno why people were trying to use this as a “gotcha” against the survey when the answer to such a hypothetical survey question would overwhelmingly be: “DUHHHH, of course!”

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Thanks to the transparency you have and how much it shows you care about the community and Last Epoch, I don’t feel at all worried that changes are made without a good reason.

Hope you all at EHG don’t take the overly negativity personal. Keep the spirit up!

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I feel like you didn’t Understand what the post was about. It is directly rationalizing their choices for the last 3 patches. I.E The key nerf which directly caused their negative feedback shitstorm loop that lead to a survey in the first place

I am remarking upon their bad choices on this matter man. It is directly talking about why they chose to do what they did. About changes they made for the last like 3 patches? I disagree with their methods for many reasons. 1 of them being the fact that they said they would not nerf player power this season at all. They got harsh feedback after their Travesty of a Key nerf decision and got flamed for it.

Now this is al cascading form that. They said they would not nerf our power. So I chose to play a character that was OP. I chose to because they were NOT going to touch it. They said that was the case. Now they ruined my build. In the post it says

Mid-cycle Changes

In regards to mid cycle changes, we had approved these changes as they don’t impact moment to moment gameplay, and won’t suddenly cause a build to not be able to clear a certain difficulty of content it was able to previously.

Did you read it my man? I’ve been playing this game for years and I know what it could be. They are taking the wrong directing and pushing people away. While the real PROBLEMS persist untouched.

I am voicing my opinion on how they are failing. Sorry if I touched a sweet spot by saying their choice is smallminded. Which I believe to be true. Of course I don’t want it to end up like those triple A studios as I tell them not to mirror them almost exactly in their nerfing strategy.

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To clarify our intentions and statements:

As the survey was sparked by the feedback to our statement that we wouldn’t change the warlock’s ward generation mid cycle, in agreeance with the survey will not be making changes which impact moment to moment gameplay or build power, which can suddenly cause a build to not be able to clear a certain difficulty it was able to previously.

As per the survey, we will make bug-fixes which impact moment to moment gameplay, or build power, if those bugs are resulting in the build highly overperforming.

System changes and bug-fixes, such as to Item Factions, Vendor Interactions, or other systems, which are unrelated to a build’s performance, and would not cause a build to suddenly be unable to complete a difficulty level it was previously able to is unrelated to prior conversations. These changes are something we will be making judgment calls on as they arise.

These are also all guidelines, not forced rules. If we don’t agree a bugfix should go out to something highly overperforming, we won’t have the rule force our hand to. Conversely if we feel a change should go out that’s not resulting in it highly overperforming, we may still chose to push that change. A reason for this may be that it’s causing server issues.

Not at all to discredit, or disregard any feedback, I just wanted to try to be clear from our side as much as possible.


Its fine you killing the game with mid cycle balance. Enjoy only having redditors play


Please give Forge Guard some love.


you guys are just freakin awesome!
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

it’s not balance, it’s bug fixes. If you wanna play broken builds, this happens.

My point is that people were only really angry about instability.

Until you decided to nerf CoF for the sake of .05% of MG players finding an exploit you and all the streamers missed while testing. So your solution was to hurt CoF players and anyone who had keys that cost 6500 or 7500 banked up for years before that. Thus not fixing the PROBLEM, But nerfing everyone.

You guys nailed it by lowering the stash tab price, which I praised in a previous post. The very same post where you nerfed Profane veil against your own word.

My argument is the Key nerf caused the forums to be plagued by people with Fomo complaining about the good builds being what they were. It caused the company to feel the need for a survey due to their complaints. It was 100% brought about as a counter point to a very CONTROVERSIAL key nerf. It wasn’t a fix to the problem it was a gimp to the game. So one bad decision created another.

That’s bad in my opinion. That is how I see it. You brought this onto yourself in a cascade and are cleaning up the mess. I sympathize with you but I am not blind to the causality


This “against your own word” thing.

They never promised they wouldn’t make changes. Get over yourself.

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“As the survey was sparked by the feedback to our statement that we wouldn’t change the warlock’s ward generation mid cycle”

Sure bud

The post that you and everyone like you yells at the Devs for all the time about them “Promising” not to change anything, also mentioned that their decision to not change things was not set in stone, and that they would change their stance if the need arose. You only read what you want to read.