Last Epoch Healing Hands Melee crit Paladin ! Build guide ! 1.0

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A good melee build to push high corruption, with good damage and strong defense. A simple Nodachi with a T5 melee crit chance and Melee fire damage will already do very good damage even in empowered. Im actually at 300 corruption without any problems.

-Rive is used for a comfy skill in mapping, which pulls enemies at a good range and applies a ton of shred, it also triggers Healing hands which is the main damage source.

-Healing hand is your main source of damage, you need to find a lot of healing effectivness and attunement to get a maximum of flat damage. Invest in fire damage if you can, in order to boost as much as possible the value of flat.

-Void cleave is your movement skill that triggers abyssal echoes which gives a 20% attack speed buff and 20% more damage against blind ennemies.

-Holy aura gives melee attack speed, a good elemental resistance and endurance and triggers flame burst on melee hit.

Gear priority :
-Melee crit chance and crit chance (the build gets really good when you find a nodachi with T5 melee crit chance and melee fire damage).

-Healing effectivness gives a ton of flat for Healing Hands.

-Attunement gives healing on Healing Hands which gives flat.

-Experimental ward affixe on gloves is really good to enhance defense into the moon.

-Volcanus 2H sword is a really good weapon for this build since this sword boosts divine bolt and flame burst. Magma shards also scales with attunement.

Defense theorycraft :
-Exsanguinous chest : im actually looking for a exsanguinous with 2 LP (attunement and armour) to got more ward, without this one on bosses im up to 4/5K ward atm.

-Titan heart : with 2LP (attunement and armour) look great too.

-Throne of Ambition : can be really good to enhance damage and armor for this build.



This is a similar to what Iā€™m working on. One question though: Abyssal Echoes appears to only apply Nether Coating if cast directly (according to the tooltip). Do you get the buff even though Abyssal Echoes is being cast from Void Cleave?

Yeah you get the buff if you have enough mana when you cast void cleave :smiling_face:, you Can see the icon buff too .

Neat, thanks! I will definitely have to consider this, especially since I would love to never cast Sigils of Hope ever again. Only other things Iā€™ve tried so far are using Smite to boost melee fire damage and attack speed (Iā€™m using Healing Hands directly, not triggered). I just got to level 60, so thereā€™s plenty of room for me to try some new things out.

And isnā€™t a legendary Volcanus fun? Some day this cycleā€¦

Very fun and very beautiful with magma shard ah ah .

Yeah HH in direct cast is strong, but in my type of gameplay to slow ^^

I did something similar, although instead of going melee I used smite. The best part is you can double up on spell damage whereas rive is more of a delivery method for healing hands both smite and healing hands hit like a truck. Iā€™m shocked at how much damage it puts out while focusing on defenses. Now if I could just connect and play it some more.

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Do this build is possible with Sword and shield without losing too much damage ? ( just because i like the esthetic better )

With a Sword and Shield you going to have a Crit problem i think, not enough. And melee damage maybe lack.

You Can try with healing hands on spell version ^^ but im not very sure.

Void Cleave requires a 2H weapon to use, so by using a 1H and shield you will have to swap out void cleave and Abyssal Echoes which are extremely fun to use. You can run it with Lunge and Sigils of Hope to scale damage and survivability. Also the Foe Cleaver node in Rive would no longer be usefull.

I find a 2lp volcanus with melee Crit and shred Armor ^^, with for cleaver atm im up to 250 shred stack on bosses . But stack of Armor After for cleaver IS good too :smiling_face:

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Today i jump at first place into sentinel arena ladder, here you can find a video about that

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Iā€™ve been using this build and itā€™s been great. I found a Volcanus 1LP but didnā€™t get the melee crit strike. Is an Odachi still better? Iā€™m stacking increased crit whenever I can, but Iā€™m only at 25%. Damage and survivability seem fine, though. Running at 100+ corruption.

Also, I agree with the other poster. Iā€™d love a sword and shield melee paladin build (the ideal paladin aesthetic), but no one really has a viable one yet. Sword/shield playstyle might be too weak in this game right now. Theorycrafting in this game seems so difficult because the calculations/affix/nodes are obscured.

Either way, thanks for posting this!

Heya :smiling_face: yes nodachi with melee Crit is better than a volcanus without melee Crit. You Can Wear a last tiers of 2h axe too (this one with +60melee and +60 melee fire damage).

I think you Can play good build with Shield and HH unfortunately not with Sword because Sword Implicite is very Bad for play :confused: . A wand with HH in spell damage or 1h axe with added Crit is far better .

Thanks for the reply, now I know what to look for!

How can healing effect affix increase the dps?

The Bane of Evil node gives 1 (or 2) point(s) of spell damage per 10% healing effectiveness.

Not sure if dual wielding is better over 1h + shield but I am using vengeance instead of rive to proc hh. Using volatile reversal for 30% dmg and 30% atk spd vs 20% on abyssal echoes. Sigils instead of Void Cleave for more healing effectiveness, damage, and health regen. Unspecialized lunge for movement. Mobility is not bad with 140-150% movement speed. Vengeance with +3 riposte per hit, 43% damage reduction, 50% armor, and 20% global damage modifier, and the 20% global damage modifier buffs healing handā€™s damage. So vengeance = tankier than rive but less cc since you lose the aoe mob pull on 2nd hit. Iā€™m not sure if the node for Riveā€™s ā€œ2H gets 2x statsā€ affects healing handā€™s melee damage or not. A tooltip would be niceā€¦

Iā€™ve been enjoying this build so far. Iā€™m just starting Monolith. The leveling experience was the best of any Iā€™ve tried. Thanks!

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