Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

My issue is that LE’s shaman is mostly a natural disaster caster (storms, avalanches, earthquakes). And then someone said, ‘oh, but shaman’s are all about the totem’, let’s give them a storm totem (because that fits with LEs version of the shaman) that you can only have one of, because it’s AWESOME! (their grinning here) and then … a bunch of passives that scale with the number of totems.

And the (pretty much) only other totems you can have a lot of are thorn totems.

My problem is that the storm/hurricane/tornado stuff is what I really like to play thematically, and that is held back by a totem and totem-focused tier 10 passives that do nothing for the storm lord fantasy. My problem is that the shaman is all over the place, it has no core identity, it has a split personality identity between, “need totems because SHAMAN”, and “wow, look at all this cool storm stuff”.

It’s once every three seconds. So, not as bad as you are saying, but you have to do it every three seconds. It’s tedious. Then you can boost it with warcry.

I mean, this is the char I played last season. I tried everything I could think of to get the ‘constant haste with maelstrom melee-tornado-blizzard totem badass’, working that I could and it’s just not tough enough nor does enough damage to justify the tedium.

I’ve played everything else, this is the mastery that interests me. I’m one person, my opinions do not matter at all, except to me and theoretically to EHG as another data point. It’s why I post.

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TBF, I want to name a character that 'cause it sounds awesome & alliterative.

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omg i completely missed it. You should copyright that! … I can’t stop saying it out loud

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Puncture shots can be dodged even in campaing. Without any modifiers. It’s specific to this one ability, and the only way around it is some bad unique bow which has a gimmick to disable this added dodge chance.
With high attack speed Puncture, you’re not really minding that, if you even notice it. But with charged Puncture, where each shot needs to be channeled for a while and eats your entire mana pool per shot, mobs randomly deciding to dodge being clearly hit is ANNOYING AF. Especially if RNGesus is against you and you get some stupid mob dodging two Punctures in a row and you’re ready to flip your keyboard. it LITERALLY shows * Dodged * above the mob, so it’s not lag/desync

how is it NOT broken? I tested it like 2 days before Cycle 2 launched and it was still broken (and not mentioned in patch notes so not fixed now either). You can hit 70 mobs with a Puncture and not get any mana back (outside of mana per 5 ticks).
The talent literally says, I believe, 4 MANA ON HIT. NOT 4 mana on CAST like it does. Which makes it okay-ish for rapid-fire Punctures (which have low cost by design), but decidedly NOT for charged Puncture, where the main tool to scale damage is to make Puncture cost truckload of mana per cast.
You can waste entire mana pool on a cranked up charged Puncture to shoot a full screen of mobs, and you’re left to hang dry, regenerating mana with Flurry at best till you get enough mana for another charged Puncture.

And since it’s goddamn Puncture, after you waste entire mana pool on Puncure, a mob can still randomly decide they " Dodged ", unless you have the unique bow that disables that added dodge chance

one totem doing double damage will only help sometimes, in many other occasions, having way more enemied attacked per unit of time is helpful - having two totems out over one doing double damage gives you both, but also, basically got +100% more damage is not really true, now is it?

Oh well having played it as my cycle starter, and beatin the pinnacle boss with it, uhh storm totem is actually like 90% sure getting nerfed. its way to strong and does insane damage.

The gathering storm double dipping on its tree and the bolts tree makes it do insane damage.

You might want to check if everything is okay with your computer.

I’ve been playing my first 200h of LE literally on a toaster, on a laptop with 8GB of ram and with some old Nvidia without any drops like that.

I do not buy argument that it is game fault but who knows…

Right now am on intel i7 , with 64gb of ram , rtx 3080ti, playing on ultra and frames never drops.

Could be it is something specific to your case.

Oh god charged puncture, my PTSD returns…

If you mean Mind Piercer, the description states when you USE puncture AND HIT atleast one enemy it restores 4 mana. It procs only once per use and is garbage for Charged puncture (meant for rapid hit puncture).

Charged puncture is horrible lol I had tried it as a Marksman. I had hoped Falconer with the 150% more damage of Falconer’s mark and the Bow crit buffs would help salvage it but it is still so bad (Falcon mana on hit and mana regen for mana sustain kinda worked tho).

Its also pretty much mandatory to have the Black arrow to halve the charge time(literally double dps) making a clunky build even more painful. I was in tears laughing when I saw the new Dark Quiver related unique this patch.

I have accepted the charged Puncture skill tree nodes as a practical joke/noob trap by the Devs. Only thing sillier is probably the charged detonating arrow nodes.

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it not really double, its 100% more, but its right after some all-the-time more (75% max). Its good, but still, having 2 would still be better. Anyway, I will have to see about that double dipping because a lot in the bolt tree doesnt seem to be anything that affects the totem calling it (lots of it is “you” or the bolt stuff is just about getting it to strike, not its damage).

I think better than that is just going overboard with totem cast speed and other stuff, we shall see.

That’s what double is.

if I have 75% more and then I add another 100% more, that’s not double - its x1.75 added, but I already had x0.75 added without. EDIT - unless the wording is bad, which IS a problem with this game, and the huge ass totem is actually doing double after ALL other doubles, of course - but thats not what it feels like to use VS a non-huge-ass.

The game guide covers this, “More” means its multiplicative.

increased is additive with it self.

if you have 100% increased totem damage and 100% increased minion damage and 100% more totem damage, and 50% more minion damage the formula is

1 * (1 + sum of increased) * more multi 1 * more multi 2 * etc etc for more multipliers.

So in our example we have 1 * (1 + 2) * 2 * 1.5 = 9x baseline damage.

Tldr more multipliers no matter where you pick them up always do what they say on the tin. 100% more is always double damage as soon as you pick it up.

For skill nodes do note it counts the sum of each node. So if you two nodes, one of which is 8% more damage per point, and one that is 12% more per point, and both are at 2 points, its not 8 8 12 12, its 16 and 24.

While it does have less more multipliers then many skills, it has a big one related to mana, it consumes your mana like normal, and scales like normal. it also gets flat added damage based on your attunement and a bunch of other small things that add up. I played both versions this cycle, and the storm bolt version is 10x better for both damage and clear. They supposedly fixed totems having bad target issues so maybe normal storm totem can clear a bit better now. But I found the storm bolts better cause the totem retargeted much faster.

The node is also written poorly/wrong or is bugged. it is currently most likely “reduced” cast speed. So if you get 80% increased cast speed it cancels out the penalty. But storm totem casts so fast normally I was still getting 2-3 bolts a second, it was really fast.

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That very much depends. In all arpgs that differentiate between more & increased (even D4 though they seem to think that using the same words for additive & multiplicativewill somehow make things simpler), all separate instances of more are multiplicative. If you were taking a single instance of 75% more & increasing that by 100% to 175%, then yes, you’d be correct. However as DiceDragon didn’t specify, it’s not unreasonable to think that he meant the 100% more was separate.

Every separate instance of 100% more of a thing will double that thing.

Great info, but, without doing the storm bolt thing, it just didnt really feel better than last time (pre changes) and Avalanch (or whatever that is called) outclassed it easily.