Last Epoch Feedback/Suggestions

No, I get that, but why would you want “bad” stats (& personally the only actively bad affix is stun avoidance). But IMO the principle of having an additional 1-3 (or whatever) stats (and somewhat higher tiers than you’d normally expect to seal), even if they’re less used ones is power creep. If the devs included it and rebalanced the mobs around the expectation/existence of it, that’d be fine. But without making the mobs harder it’s just making the game easier.

@Llama8 When I say bad stats, I mean less optimal stats. Not all stats are equal, which should be obvious, some stats are okay to seal, but ideally you’d seal stats more suited to clearing the content faster.

In addition, why would the devs need to rebalance the entire game any more/less than what ever their doing with the faction system? That’s a far bigger powercreep in comparison, and I tried alluding to that earlier but you seem to have forgotten about that in your reply.

And I feel like this powercreep argument is getting old really fast when the game isn’t even balanced in the first place.
I don’t really want to hear about that line of argument anymore, I get it, powercreep is something to be thought about, but to shut down any and all ideas because there’s this mystical idea of a delicate balance at stake is utter lunacy. Especially when the game is getting updates of more powerful classes/systems on release.

I don’t know how I can make myself anymore clear on this subject. If your argument is about powercreeping the game (aka ruining the balance), then I’m sorry to say, there is little to begin with. And in principal I agree with you, but in reality there’s not much balance to ruin. You have to have something working first before it can break.

Alright I’ll stop repeating myself now.

Not really, you’re getting the same gear faster, your proposal of more sealed affixes would give strictly better gear.

I’m not saying the game is balanced (whatever that is or should be) now, but making gear better would need the mobs to be more harderer than they are now or should be now.

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