Last Epoch Hotfix Notes

Is the current super long queue waiting time related to this patch? yesterday had no issues, right now am waiting already 20 mins in queue… it is seems to be way too long , at the beginning of the queue it was showing 360+ , after 20 mins it is 63. Seems like something is off

Yeah this is the first time I encounter this queue thing

Download MSI Afterburner and limit your GPU to 50%, use vsync or 60FPS framelit in-game, game isn’t CPU heavy so it’s all on GPU. You still get 70-80% performance even if you limit your GPU this way.

I get stable 60FPS with drops to 30-40 when really large packs pop (rare, like once every map, probably less so on sub 200 corruption) with throttled 3070 at 1440p.

I tried that already (my 3070 is undervolted globally and LE still manages to eat 200+ watts), that’s not how games supposed to work. Also, I’m not going to play at 60 fps, it’s not why I got a 165hz 2k monitor. Thanks for trying to help me though <3

I realize reading comprehension is extremely difficult for some folks. But given the person he responded to was me, and I actually said to Faraddox that it was a good suggestion but should be moved to the Feedback/Suggestion spot so it was actually, you know REGISTERED as Feedback/Suggestions. I thought I might take time to help you take a small step toward better reading comprehension.

You’re welcome. :roll_eyes:

Actually it’s the other way round. As you can tell from the lack of awesome gfx.

No, my reading comprehension skills are great; however your ability to be a d is greater. What does your previous reply mean? Other than being pretentious.

I’m not a hardware expert and really don’t know how these things work, but when I play Last Epoch, the readings say the CPU is at 50~60% usage, while the GPU is constantly at 95~99% usage, so it kinda makes sense what he said?

Your reading comprehension skills is “fine” except you couldn’t note who I replied to so you would comprehend I wasn’t talking to you? :man_shrugging:t2:

But, taking into account that you are most likely referring to my ‘your missing the point’ post is that the point of my original reply was not about whether it was good or bad but that moving this to feedback/suggestions would likely get it more on the radar for the Devs as that’s precisely why they labelled a forum section FEEDBACK and SUGGESTIONS.

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Fair enough, I’m sure the devs are wrong.

when the Isle of Storms quest bug fix ?
i got stuck with that quest and I can’t progress any further

This doesn’t work at all in offline play. If both myself and the boss die, it kicks me out and I have to do the boss over again, but I end up getting my loot back (for Harbingers and Aberroth, haven’t run into this scenario for Shade yet).