Last Epoch 1.1.1 Patch Notes

Hello Travelers!

We would like to congratulate all the Travelers who have been making the push to Aberroth, and those who have managed to slay him. A special congratulations to Olio for making the world first Normal Aberroth kill.

With Aberroth having been slain in the Online Cycle environment, we will now be releasing Aberroth to all Online Environments. We have run into an unexpected issue in Offline mode that prevents Aberroth from being accessed.

Since today’s patch also fixes a number of bugs including trade cancelled messages being sent out Town wide, Shade of Orobyss fixes, and a fix for global damage modifiers - we have chosen to release it without Aberroth for Offline Mode.

For our offline Travelers - getting you access to Aberroth is currently of the highest priority. We will keep you updated as we can.


  • Aberroth, Herald of Oblivion has been enabled in Online Legacy Environment

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Event Horizon required level 100 to equip. Is now correctly level 80.
  • Fixed a bug where Trade Cancelled messages could be sent to everyone on the server in some circumstances
  • Fixed a bug where Shade of Orobyss Echoes do not display correct tooltip, and were instead showing the previously selected Echo
  • Fixed a bug where Aberroth’s Fire Black Hole would lag behind the player instead of attaching to them
  • Fixed a bug where Forge Guard’s Weapon Master was not granting +75% Bleed Chance as a Threshold Bonus while wielding an axe
  • Fixed a bug where global conditional damage was ignoring most tags (eg. “100% more [Spell / Bow / Throwing / Minion / DoT] damage against High Health Enemies” was instead giving “100% more damage against High Health Enemies
  • Fixed a bug which could cause a delay to visually displaying enemies for a couple of seconds after loading into an Echo
  • Fixed a bug where players needed to reset keybinds to Evade on a controller
  • Fixed a bug where Orion and Emberwing were not displaying a health bar in Offline
  • Fixed a bug where Shade of Orobyss’ Fire Cone fails to appear after the second time he casts it

Would it be possible to be able to move evade on the controller? what dop you guys have against the yellow y button?


Thanks for the great content :slight_smile:


Glad to hear FG’s weapon master is supposed to give bleed chance while wielding an axe in general, not just with attacks with axe.

Any chance Master of Arms could be looked at for spears next? It’s not giving the strength as described, only with spears.


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Great to see quick reaction and fixes. But please fix infinite loading screens. It’s been happening multiple times when switching zones. Didn’t have this porblem in 1.0 post week 1. Reported it in game multiple times. Thank you!

can we rebind the evade key? i’m out of buttons on my controller, allow us to use the A button to bind an ability and or move the interact key to something else

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Now give some love to the linux native client or just remove it entirely and push people to play through proton if it won’t get any support or love.

Hi game just kiked me out to download patch 1.1.1 but when i reloged in after selectin my character keeps waiting to connect, already verifyed files but nothing happends am i alone?

Did you completely exit the game and restart it? If you went from the character select screen which it probably put you at then that’s might explain what’s happening.

Not assuming, just asking.

i did exit game and steam 3 times but nothing

Gratz man u r a beast :smiley:

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Is there a plan to add the possibility to bind actions to mouse buttons ? (m4, m5 etc)

Is it (the Harbingers & Aberroth) available in offline mode? or has it always been?

Also, can we get the bosses in early acts with no hp banner fixed? Haruspex Orian and Temple Guardian for sure are bugged. Offline mode.

For controller, let us choose if we want the auto-aim or not, at the actual state the controller aiming system work only with close range build, with a marksman it’s been a nightmare, and I’m forced to play close range even with a bow to actually hit the desired target, it’s not fun

Is anyone else getting stuck in loading screens and locked in lagged out state since this patch? Just started this afternoon happened around 9-10 times so far. If i wait a while I get the error “Lost connection to the game” or something.

А есть убер абберат?

I feel like pre season. In maps i rarely see the nemisis mob. Maybe one every 10 maps per random.

Harbingers are available. Only the Aberroth fight itself is locked.

After the maintenance, the game doesnt register my main screen. It opens the game on the secondary screen.