Last Epoch 1.0 Patch Notes

I lol’d so hard xD

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is there any improvements to the lootfilter not mentioned in the patchnotes?


Nice balance when you can freeze bosses and basically walk on them.

Best game ever !!! <3 :100: :100: :100: :100:

Any info on the changes/fixes to the native Linux client that were mentioned by Mike to come with 1.0?


Is Werebear’s Crackling Assault and Unending Storm missing from this set of changes, or did that remain an unconnected subskill? What about the unique Storm Breaker?

seems like a worthy 1.0 patch. thanks guys! i hope the launch will be just fine. Take your time to rest, to the whole team! <3

  • Stormbreaker remains unchanged
  • Crackling Assault has been changed to Storm Bolts
  • Unending Storm modifies lightning damage you deal, it doesn’t have anything to do with lighting/storm bolt triggers.

Edit: Stormbreaker actually was incidentally updated to use Storm Bolt, though the text for the effect still states it’s Lightning Strike. We’ll most likely keep this functionality and update the text to completely replace Lightning Strike with Storm Bolt game wide.


There were 13 new uniques announced, but I don’t see anything about them (except from the notes from yesterday). Am I blind, or will we be getting the information about them soon?

How long will a cycle last for… a really IMPORTANT question to ask.
Please need a answer before launch.

Is there any kind of clan system being implemented so groups can chat in game with each other?

I use Gentoo and works fine. There is no reason to update that layer, it all depends on the version of the game. Otherwise you can always use proton, which also works very well.

No, no clan/guilds.

Congratulations to the entire development/project team. You can see the affection with this update! I hope you continue like this always.

Please don’t make the same competition mistake. Listening to the community is the key to success for the game to become unforgettable.

Looking forward to version 1.0 and already looking forward to the next leagues.

This “new font,” will it be legible? Will it be resizable? Will there be any actual UI accessibility options?

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Great stuff guys

The game looks amazing now!

Not that its a huge deal! But is the game releasing with Steam Achievements?

Seeing all these Lightning subskills being converted to Storm Bolt makes me excited to see the Gathering Storm tree. Wonder if we will be able to buff Storm Bolt from other sources.

thats a bummer, even just from the aspect of having a social chat with friends or being able to see your group of people. we are migrating a large clan over to this game that has no group social features. bummer
were super excited about everything else though and have been putting in tons of hours!