Last Epoch 1.0 Patch Notes

it was op both early and late. it’s still very strong.

This was fixed a few patches back, Lagon now has tentacles on the platform that are targeted to damage him instead of the big, off platform hitbox


Nice patch and notes!!! Nice Work!!!

the hype is real :smiley:

Did they fix the global chat? Or will we keep seeing all the chat conversations popping up over and over again?

The 21.02. is my birthday, no joke. Thank you for that super duper present!


im ready im ready im ready :smiley: hypetrain is arrived so lets gooooooooooooo :slight_smile:

Flurry and DA fix :slight_smile:

I am ready

See you all in game on Wednesday! Let’s go!

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Heck yeah

Looking forward to years of LE to come.

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Can’t wait for 1.0

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Yeeeees!! it looks fantastic, can’t wait!

Amazing !!

I was hoping for a Right and Left click rebind. Kinda sad but maybe I missed it.


Super excited, just bought the game and a supporter pack, lets get it!

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I’m so damn hyped!
I mean I was already hyped before… So much in fact that I took off three days from work starting from wednesday which is something I never did before.

You guys really did a great job! I haven’t been around for as long as some of the other users here and only discovered the game about half a year ago. I finally purchased the game in november last year and immediately fell in love with it. I eventually stopped playing after a few hours to save the first playthrough for release but I couldn’t resist and been playing like a madman over the past few weeks now. The patch notes lifted the hype right to the next level though. I haven’t had so much fun in ages and it seems like this won’t stop anytime soon.

I also love that you guys are so close to the community doing all the streams and Q&A stuff. Please don’t change in the future :upside_down_face:

Great to see all the fixes, changes and what have you! :grinning:

Please tell me you guys fixed auto cast on the Enchant Weapon skill tree. It only auto casts in town and nowhere else (monos or campaign). This is essential to my build, so I really hope this was fixed.


No u can fully play offline not internet needed