Last Epoch 1.0 Patch Notes

Bigger patchnotes then full code of Diablo 4. Poggres

F for the servers at the release

Hype, So glad its finally here. I love this game, Cheers to the future!

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YUGE, cant wait!

Was really hoping for some UI Text clarity improvement for 720p resolution, oh well no biggie i will just invest in a GPU and monitor this year. GG and Good luck to the whole team for 1.0 launch. :heart:

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Extremely excited. 1.0 is basically a rework of the entire game in my eyes. There’s so much new stuff and changes it’s exciting to do it all over again

Small question.

Didn’t see any mention of this while reading the patch notes but has the bug where the sentinel weapons would be shown backward while moving as been fixed ?

I know its not something game breaking but damn it annoy me to no end when i see it, and seeing it i do since its the only character i have currently :smiley:

You have reworked the entire game. Congratulations. Well deserved!

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Definitely need to work on adding better death animations and sounds and possibly red outline on the screen when getting low on health.

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I’m new to LE, but congratulations guys! Bravo Zulu.

  • Added a disclaimer that cosmetics cannot be equipped to offline characters.

Damit … Why ?

Hmmm, I didn’t see anything about Storm bolts replacing lightning in Werebear Form (rampage side of the tree), and how they proc ? Overlook in patch notes (possibly mine ?), or do some of us have to worry ?

Hyped to test Gathering Storm !

Can’t wait for wednesday. And what about an italian localization, please? :grimacing:

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Jeebus this is amazing. I read the whole damn thing and deepest respect to your (relatively small) team for getting to all this and still hitting your launch date. I really hope all the newbies will have some patience with the inevitable other glitches thousands of us will stumble upon. Give yourselves a virtual party once the first phase of launch is done, you deserve it and more.

  • Added a short loading screen and transition effect when entering Monolith echoes

O my god thanks thanks thanks


Lots to dig into here. Thank you for all the hard work over the years, team! One question - it appears the Sentinel is not getting a passive rework in line with the other newer classes. I assume that’s in the offing not long after 1.0?

I am dying to play 1.0

Will existing characters be pushed to legacy?

Hypeeeeeeeeeeeee traiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!

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Arcane Boots lost 10-15% Ward Retention
Ivory Ring lost 13-26% Ward Retention
Vul’Kaur Regalia lost 12-27% Ward Retention

They all got Ward Threshold instead, but as a spellblade enjoyer, I don’t like this :\