Last Epoch 1.0 launches Feb 21st, 2024!

Whoa! Well, FINALLY something to look forward to it in the Valentine month. No one get me cards or chocolate. I DEMAND STORE POINTS!!!


Well, this topic has been discussed ad nauseaum all over the forum and a quick search says about everything and anything that’s already been said. So I’m sort of with the :man_facepalming:t2: :woman_facepalming:t2:


Are achievements coming with 1.0?

Very very hyped for release!


As per Kain, community manager at EHG, on the LE Discord:

As far as I’ve seen, there hasn’t been a meaningful response since April of 2020 about the subject from EHG. With version 1.0 coming out just shy of 4 years after that post, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for an update on if or when we can expect at least news about the feature.

Character customization is something EHG hopes to eventually include in Last Epoch, but it will not be available at the release of 1.0. You can read several responses EHG has given on this topic here.


Thank you, that was significantly more useful than the feedback thread.

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This part is asking for more info:

And someone would have happily pointed you to any number of threads that have RECENT info about it, like Andrew just did, then you would know their genuine answers of why they can or can’t do it right now without the need for speculation or judgement…

…which is DEFINITELY an outdated and ill-used tactic that has also been discussed ad nauseaum.


Looking forward a lot to this! I’m totally okay with postponing it. It’s commercially better not to release in a crowded season. And with the multitude of games releasing at every moment, people’s attention is easily pulled away. To give Last Epoch the best chance at a roaring start - and by extension success in the long run - it needs to get all the attention it can get at launch.

And extra polish is the cherry on top. We don’t want this to be the next Wolcen.

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Hey Gamers, BigSword here. Just wanted to remind you that I’ve had a lovely time playing last epoch with you all. Im excited to see this games continued success and look forward to making more friends. Times can be difficult but luckily we have this game and community to keep us strong. If you ever need to reach out to someone and talk about anything weighing down on you, feel free to add me in game “BigSword” I love you and wish the best for you. Congratulations on 1.0, very hype.


They have said (many times) that there won’t be any wipes, all existing MP characters will move to a “standard”/legacy realm (like in PoE & D4).

So you understand why, you just don’t care.

Probably yes.

Don’t worry, what you said in your first post are also … your opinion.

I know, but it’s a good thing as there’s a lot that still needs to be done, added, fixed, etc before release. IMO, “other games releases” has less to do with it, but what do I know.

That’s likely because there’s not much new to say. It’s still expensive, they’ve still not budgeted for it & they still want to do it post-1.0. All of the comments the ever-awesome Andrew has transcribed still basically say the same as Judd’s initial post. It’s not unreasonable at all to want an update on a ~3 year old post, but (sadly) nothing’s changed.


I’m not speculating on anything, or judging anyone. I stated a fact. You can participate in a practice with a negative history without condoning or even being aware of that history, and the commentary from EHG on the subject is clear that’s the case for them. That doesn’t change the history of roleplaying games as a genre and it doesn’t change the fact that it looks bad to be a part of that practice regardless of the reasons why.

The huge majority of people will never click a forum link for a video game, much less research the attitudes and priorities of the developers buried in it, and for those to whom representation matters, they will see a game that says, “Women can’t be fighters or mages or spiritualists, they can be the heretic witch or the criminal,” throw it the middle finger, and never give it another chance.

Wauw. That is an amazing news. A dream since Kickstarter annoumced it and I supported.


You can play now. There will be no character wipes upon 1.0 launch.

What will happen is online characters will get moved over to what EHG is calli g legacy cycle. And u will start fresh on normal cycle mode.

It will work similar to how standard and challenge league works in poe

Honestly can’t tell you all how much this rocks.

To see this finally coming to fruition. So very, very cool.

Kudos to the team and all the hard work you lot have been putting in through the years.

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What’s it like, living life with nothing but identity politics to guide you?


Oh, my God. If this is so important to you, create a separate fund to be used for the development of this feature. That way you can objectively show how many players care about it. Personally, I’m more interested in new mechanics, unique items, work on balance than the ability to customise a bunch of pixels that will be visible before the first helmet/armour.


We finally have a date! Please make a huge timer on every webpage.
Cool roadmap you have there. What about expanding it a bit more into a separate fancy page, and link that timer to it.
Will we have more teasers?

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Does this mean another 6 months of no content updates (September 7 - February 21) ?
Because we already had a huge time frame between 0.85 and 0.9 and that was painful.
It is also not clear (or maybe it is) if we will ever get a Shaman and Forge Guard rework and all of the Rogue missing skills along with their respective skill trees…

Early Access isn’t about a content cadence to be expected post release it’s about making 1.0 a great experiuece … if you’re wanting release-like cadences maybe Early Access isn’t for you?