Last Epoch 1.0.8 Patch Notes

Upcoming Bazaar Sales Cleanup

Hello Travelers!

Alongside today’s Patch Notes, we also wanted to provide notice that on Monday, May 20th, we will be cleaning up all records of Redeemed and Cancelled auctions from the Bazaar. This means closed listings prior to the May 20th cleanup will no longer be displaying on your redeem page. With 1.1, we will be introducing an automated cleanup for this, which will remove old Redeemed and Cancelled auctions after a given time period.


  • Moved the spawn point in the Keeper’s Camp by the waypoint
  • Gathering Storm’s Friends of the Tempest now requires that the minion’s tag matches Gathering Storm instead of requiring that the minion’s ability’s tag matches Gathering Storm. This means that, for example, if Summon Wolf has the minion lightning tag, all attacks from your wolves can trigger Friends of the Tempest. This also fixes bugs where some converted minions, such as cold Storm Crows or cold Warcry Totem, could not trigger Friends of the Tempest when Gathering Storm is converted to cold.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where specific circumstances could cause a character to instantly revive after death. This could result in a hardcore character becoming a standard character without the feedback of having hit zero health (death screen).
  • Fixed a crash when a stash tab’s name has a specific mix of emoji’s & line breaks.
    This was caused by a Stack Overflow in the text/ui layouting.
  • Fixed a bug with Ring of Shields, where having unlocked “Rush Wall” node in “Ring of Shields” skill and then using “Shield Rush” would very often result in shields having incorrect rotation.
  • Fixed a bug with Ring of Shields, where after using “Shield Bash” skill with “Wall of Shields” node unlocked, the shield wall disappears immediately after being spawned
  • Fixed a bug with Ring of Shields, where after using “Shield Bash” skill with “Wall of Shields” node unlocked, the shields would remain attached to the player
  • Fixed a bug where Warpath could cause Ring of Shields to change distance from the player.
  • Fixed a bug where removing channels in chat settings would not remove them from channel selection in the input section.
  • Fixed a bug where if a player had all chat channels disabled, then tried to send a player a direct message, the message would be sent to global if they did not already have an existing conversation with that player
  • Fixed Smite not triggering Healing Hands while you are out of mana if both are free and you do not have the Desperate Measures node in the Smite tree.
  • Fixed floating health bar location for Gaspar Husk, Volatile Zombies, Emperor of Corpses’ Volatile Zombies, and Death Knights
  • Fixed a bug where Enemy Crows, and Black Sun Rahyeh were on the wrong layer resulting in some decals laying on top of them.
  • Fixed a bug where prophecies would not save correctly for some players causing them to consistently re-roll
  • Fixed a bug where the waves would start themselves in The Fall of Ledria quest echo
  • Fixed “armor shred” and other affixes not appearing in the affix search for certain base types
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Alt after picking up an item would open its tooltip
  • Fixed a bug where some Sentinel helmets would not display on the character
  • Fixed a bug where you could load into Echo of a World with no floor

Update - 2024-05-15T21:25:00Z:

Released Hotfix to fix a bug where Runemaster Icons were not appearing, and not providing passive bonuses.


I know quite a few people were disproportionally angry about this, so great that this issue was fixed!

I really like that you made the effort to fix the Gathering Storm “Friends of the Tempest” bug, but I’m assuming the Frenzy Totem tether bug is still present, as the tether essentially doesn’t work 90% of the time. I really hope that gets looked at as well.


I know way to many people who are disproportionally angry about every little thing. :slight_smile:


And Cleric’s Hammer not triggering Healing Hands when both attacks are 0 cost hasn’t been fixed. Man, when I created a thread named " This game hates melee*", I was joking :rofl:

Otherwise, I’m glad that the game is being worked on constantly, keep up the good work!

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Cleric’s Hammer is a trigger itself, a trigger cannot trigger a trigger. If Cleric’s Hammer triggered Healing Hands, it could go into an infinite loop.

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*Melee attacks not triggering Healing Hands via Cleric’s Hammer, that’s what I meant, if it wasn’t obvious.
Also, when OOM. Didn’t specify that, cause that was in the bugfix for smite, thought gotta add that too.
That was reported in bug reports long ago.

Looks like the edit was the piece I was missing, you need to be in negative mana for this to occur. I’ll make sure it’s on the Team’s radar, thank you!


Great addition to the Bazaar. Thanks.

Something about this patch messed up runes on Runemaster. can’t see them over my head. can still cast invocations though.

@EHG_Kain, any word on the issue with Warpath pathing? It still has issues as it has for a very long time where you can’t move in certain areas. The Armory is one area but there are others, where you go in a different direction when you are “Warpathing.”

This isn’t technically an issue with warpath, but rather the level and needs to be fixed on a case by case basis. If you’ve encountered this in a specific area, please submit a bug report with a screenshot of where it’s occurring for our level design team to look into that spot.


Copy, will do. I reported it back in the 0.7 or 0.8 era so didn’t know it wasn’t identified well enough.


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Oh man, some bug fixed. New bugs introduced :frowning: Currently Wraithlord build for necromancer is unplayable. After summoning zombies, one skeleton isnt killed and Wraithlord goes into loop mode trying to kill that last one. Such a blast now! :slight_smile:

I have this issue too.

I have this issue too :frowning: This build is unplayable. After a few secounds the Wraithlord is buggy. We need a Hotfix soon as possible,…please.

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Yeah, Wraithlord is bugged out now.

Drop the “Shepard of Thralls” Node in the Summon Volatile Zombies Tree to get past the Wraithlord bug while we wait for a fix.

Thanks for the work around to the bug :smile:

We have a potential fix in testing for the Wraithlord incidental bug that got added after fixing characters instantly reviving after death in rare instances.


I just finished a black sun monolith and my portal out took me to the fall of the outcasts entrance. Is a fix for this coming soon?