Last Epoch 1.0.1 Patch Notes

Nice job guys! That’s a lot of bugfixes for what must have been an already stressful week.
Thank you very much. A lot of these fixes I’ve seen people complaining about on Discord.

Much appreciation to you.

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When will you fix Marrow thief nodes on bone curse? IT’s been wrong/not working since forever lol.

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fixes…let them come.

divebomb cooldown still doesnt work

Wait, back up. Why is the default player name a bear emoji? There’s a story there…


My char isnt showing any gear and i have the cute bear placeholder name over my head after the patch

Great update. Keen on these changes. Please, please add UI/Text scaling at some point. I play on a Television and the text is unreadable at even 720p.


How do you update? I get the LE-77 error Client is out of date for online play. Upgrade and try again

and warlocks are bugged an running corruption 2000 + and getting big advantages in grinding gear besides owning the ladder of course …that should be a hotfix. i dont complane normally but this is dogsh… Rest of the game is great , keep up the work


Thank you.

Very cool! Thank you!

Good stuff. We still need a fix for Chao Bolts not showing DPS!


Any idea when the ezras ledger quest will be fixed to get Gamblers fallacy? i need it for my build and my build is bricked without it.


No fixes for invisible characters or getting teleported halfway across the map? Guess I’m taking a break.

Wasn’t in notes but idols with “Increased poison damage while aura of decay is active” were also fixed! They didn’t work at all before this pastch.

Great work guys. Loving the game :slight_smile:

Thank you, keep em coming

hope fully they fix soon…


I got the BIG health pot today. Pls don’t patch it out it makes me happy!

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They said they are going to release further patches so I’m sure they are working on it.