Any progress on fixing not being able to transfer CF characters?
yay fixes!
Can you optimize the Warlock main skill? The Fissure drops my FPS by a half when I use it. I got it maxed and it spams all my other skills. It consumes all my fps. RTX 3080.
It’s lovely all the work you are putting into the game and it’s definitely appreciated. However, force-dropping all players to push an update that fixes a bunch of textures and shadows… not great. I was standing over an item I wanted to pick up and was not able to due to connection loss. What happens to my unique with Weaver’s Will potential now?
EDIT: Just as I suspected, there is no mailbox functionality for cases such as this, and the item is lost. Absolute giga bummer.
I may be missing something but I do not see any notes about these errors I do hope some of this has helped to fix those issues.
this also happens on Heorot, including his charge collision with the player animation, any chance that will be fixed too? (:
Keep up the good work! We appreciate it and understand!
Thanks for the hard work for this new patch. Let’s see whether the server stability further improves.
Why no Aerial Assault/Storm on the Horizon traversal tag fix
Keep up the good work having a blast !!
I have been enjoying the game in between loading screens. Hopefully, those transition times will be fixed soon so that everyone can stop complaining and enjoy the game.
more than 50 hours later, no patches done to fix online connection? we just gonna pretend it doesn’t exist are we?
You guys are the best…Even after 1,3K hours in LE, its like playing a new game…AND Rending vortex is fix The new monos and COF are A M A Z I N G !!!
Thanks for the Fast n Hard work, Still there is a bug when trying to go to another area, the E-61 Error pops up, and after trying to go in and out and getting the loading screen it just stay for ever.
goodluck for another updates, you guys rock
Awesome guys, keep it up. Appreciate the time and effort your team are putting in.
Looking forward to experiencing these QoL changes when I’m able to play the game
it’s still the same, you can’t play online, please fix it, damn it
While I appreciate the good work, I believe we have BIGGER problems than bug fixes atm, this is getting frustrating atm.
Still can’t get on and play, streamers have no issue i see… is it just for us poor consumers we can’t get on in steam. Pathetic and Predictable. How sad.