Lagon issues with Static & Zap/Lightning Blast

I’ve just done the Lagon fight on my spellblade & Static was at 200 stacks for each phase with Lagon (the adds phase it was working fine), so Lightning Blast wasn’t proccing, presumably because Lagon is “out of range” for Lightning Blast to proc? Also whenever he was channelling his sweeping eye beam & his head was turned away from me it felt like Mana Strike wasn’t hitting as I didn’t seem to be gaining any mana (from Mana Strike).

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I am also leveling a Static build specced into unlimited power and just came across the exact same issue: It does not auto cast lightning blast on Lagon and just stays at max charges.

Just wanted to bump your thread LLAMA8 :slight_smile:

EDIT: As other players have already pointed out as well, being unable to use certain skills (in my case Teleport with triple cast Elemental Nova) as soon as your cursor is over the edge towards where Lagon is, is a very frustrating experience. It should still cast.
Other than that I love the boss fight and also think the damage of the beam is fine as it is a mechanic meant to be actively avoided.

I also think that certain skills like Zap/Lightning Blast from Static & Flame Reave are aiming at the base of Lagon’s model so for an proc like static Zap/Lightning Blast won’t proc because the base is out of range. You can see this because the wave from Flame Reave fires down towards the bottom of Lagon (but because it then hits Lagon’s model, it does damage).

I’ve confirmed this and made a note of it internally. Thanks!

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