Lagon 3rd phase teleport completely freezes melee minions in place

When you get teleported into phase 3, your minions are stuck in the circle he teleports you into, unable to move. They attack but can’t reach him.

Resummoning them does NOT fix the issue.

If you’re playing melee skeletons, you literally can’t complete this fight unless you spec into something like wraiths just for it.

Lagon has known targetting issues which include problems with minions - especially if you target his body and not the platform in front of him… So minion AI tends to fail during the fight and minions will default to a spot because they cannot “reach” his hitbox (which is way below the platform)… It could be that this is what you are experiencing…

Just checking… Does the “A” button minion move/attack command not do anything in this instance? This is currently one of the workarounds - manually targetting the platform in front of him to move the minions closer.

If the A button is not doing anything - even just moving the minions to a different place on the platform, then this could be something different…

Nothing works, A can’t move them, they’re stuck in their running animation.

The best part is, if you have a bunch of skeletons stuck there, any new ones you summon will be bodyblocked, making the fight impossible.

Just to be 100% clear, I’m not referring to his hurtbox being wonky, I’m used to that. I’m saying my minions are physically stuck in place and unable to move in any way.

The exact same thing happens in the temporal sanctum, except in there you can A move to snap them out of it, unlike here.

Minion AI & his hitbox are related (as is the small “arena” of the platform) - its likely a pathing issue that is making them get stuck - they cannot move within range so the AI controlling them just borks and they stand still…

If A is not doing anything then thats something new to consider… because that usually works for snapping any minions out of being stuck - sometimes minions DO get stuck at the far sides of the platform (and even spawn below the platform where you cannot see them), but not usually in the middle as per your example. And usually A can still move them.

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