I don’t know if it’s just me but there is not one Unique mace I can use that has crit multiply on it. Everything I come across for my Pally is minion minion and more minion stuff. I want Health,. Res, Crit multiplier , attack speed and melee crit and health.
All these green gloves, helmets, belts are complete garbage for this build. There are only 2 uniques that have Crit multiplier on it and that’s Glove and Boots. The green mace is garbage that swords are compley garbage. Once I see swipe or minion on it I toos it.
Is it me or am I just stuck with purples for this build? I do have a Leg that has _65 Crit multiplier on it everythjing else is purple. Anyone else rocking this build?
Dual / Mace/Sword/ Lunge, Sigs, Hope, Violt