Lack of Divine Fury Builds

I was excited to see a zeus style javelin build similar to that of javazon from D2. But I can’t seem to find anyone online with a Divine Fury build. Does the skill suck? Does anyone know why there arent any Divine Fury build guides?

I can only speak from my experience. Hit based Javelin was decently strong when it first came out. It used to convert all added damage to lightning damage with the Divine Throws node. I played it with a dagger and shield with all the flat dmg from rings/amulets + the helmet/chest mods. I believe there were also versions using Mourningfrost and stacking dex. Build was fun, very nice clear but poor single target making bossing a chore. Then came 0.9 update:

0.9.0 also brought flat dmg on gloves+relic+belt (and lost some on rings) but in the end, hit based Javelin was at its worst. Clearing trash mobs was still okay but single target was pretty much unplayable. The Siege barrage node tripled your javelins solving the single target issue but now clear was pretty bad(also big mana problems).

I gave up on hit based and switched over to Electrify using the Tu’rani bident unique, Electrify variant could use the Siege barrage node and still achieve good clear through proccing smite. Amarathy also has a build video for something like this and I think Maxroll also has a similar one-hand axe+shield electrify build.

Tbf, they also changed the fixed damage type of throwing mods to “adaptive”, so it would actually scale, as well as doing the same on a lot of base weapon types.

The main issue I found on Divine Fury is that it adds a relatively high mana cost for limited gain. It does nothing on bosses, it makes Rares harder to kill because any rando mob will soak the throw and it prevents from just spamming it, requiring a secondary skill anyway. Plus you require to put points in both +hit damage and Electrify bonuses, so you’re stuck being a full Lightning build to not spread damage out too much and that’s doesn’t have enough synergy running Divine Fury.

It could combo as AoE for a build running Hammer Throw - Enra’s Technique, but you could just as easily go AoE on Hammers and ST Javelin throw.

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This completely, I am running Javelin on my main character and the mana issue with Divine Fury if not losing penetration is the bigger of a downfall than the upside of that particular take.

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