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I just tried to create a thread and after hitting submit was taken back to the general section w/o the thread being there.

I’m not sure if I was caught by an aggressive spam filter, the website is slow to update the topic, I don’t have permission to create threads in general, or if the thread just died a miserable death after I hit the update button.

Happened to me twice.

[quote quote=9058]I just tried to create a thread and after hitting submit was taken back to the general section w/o the thread being there.

I’m not sure if I was caught by an aggressive spam filter, the website is slow to update the topic, I don’t have permission to create threads in general, or if the thread just died a miserable death after I hit the update button.

Happened to me twice.

I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.

I’ve discovered the root cause and I’ll let you know when we believe it has been fixed.

The issue above should now be resolved.

I just found this problem here, randomly. And I still have the problem GeoGalvanic described, when I posted in the “Feedback & Suggestion” section about an Avatar suggestion/solution.

I posted and asked about it on Discord as well.

Here’s my information:
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) Version 1803
Google Chrome Version 97.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64 bit)

Okay, thanks for letting us know.

I’ve taken more drastic action which should fully resolve this for everyone. Could you please let me know if it works now?

I’ll try to post a reply again in the section later today. And I will let you know what happens on my end :slight_smile:

Sorry for the slow reply, was busy yesterday. But it didn’t change for me at least, so 3rd time wasn’t a charm :stuck_out_tongue:

That was the second time, not the third. :stuck_out_tongue:

This means the root cause likely wasn’t what I thought it was. I’ll dig into this more as soon as I’ve time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I’ve corrected an issue where any thread with a title of fewer than five characters was considered spam.

I’ve made another couple small changes.

One thing which would help me a lot is to see the contents of a thread which is being affected, if the issue is on-going for anyone.

Just tried again and still can’t create a thread in general.

New forum, new thread! :slight_smile: