We’ve sent the reward surveys to our KickStarter backers. A big thank you to everyone who pledged! If you used different e-mail accounts for KickStarter and Last Epoch, we’ll be using this information to get you the supporter badge you’re entitled to. Apologies for the delay you’ve experienced in receiving this!
Those of you who purchased packs through our website will hear from us at a later date.
Honestly, not thrilled that this is how you went about things. I MUST register here, and create an account, to claim KS rewards.
I generally do not register on online forums for game,s unless I have been playing for a while, and enjoying the game. I may browse them, when able, to gather info on gameplay or builds. But I do NOT enjoy handing out my email and having to create usernames and passwords for more things than I already have to for things like my bank, my utility companies, etc. I have enough UN’s and PW’s, to deal with, and enough crap spam emails already. I REALLY did not need more.
Not all of us are kids who want to have a hundred discords we belong to, and a hundred gaming forums we post on.
I supported, I gave you money to support your game. And I MUST do this to get my meager rewards?
[quote quote=6927]Honestly, not thrilled that this is how you went about things. I MUST register here, and create an account, to claim KS rewards.
I generally do not register on online forums for game,s unless I have been playing for a while, and enjoying the game. I may browse them, when able, to gather info on gameplay or builds. But I do NOT enjoy handing out my email and having to create usernames and passwords for more things than I already have to for things like my bank, my utility companies, etc. I have enough UN’s and PW’s, to deal with, and enough crap spam emails already. I REALLY did not need more.
Not all of us are kids who want to have a hundred discords we belong to, and a hundred gaming forums we post on.
I supported, I gave you money to support your game. And I MUST do this to get my meager rewards?
The intention is to use the same log in credentials for both the game and the website.
Apologies if this wasn’t clear. When creating the backer surveys we were attempting to emphasize that we were talking about Last Epoch accounts; not KickStarter accounts.
A question: since I used the same email for KS and here - hence my badge already displaying- and you don’t have to ship me any physical item, can I skip the survey? No additional info needed on my part, … right?
For your particular situation, I suppose the reward survey isn’t necessary - however I can’t promise you wouldn’t get reminders from EHG and / or KickStarter that you received one and haven’t filled it in yet. We wouldn’t be looking at reward surveys on an individual basis and checking for this - and I’m not sure whether KickStarter has any automated reminders (if only to reduce the number of Customer Service issues which arise for them).