Key Issues in the Game so Far 1.1 (Competent feedback after 100s hours in the cycle)

Oh, we didn’t mean to say you were chubby. More like you’re a heavy weight, like in the major leagues. A fat cat type of thing. A hefty player. Larger than life. Certainly not chubby or any synonym of it.


I was more thinking heavy like a heavy bass drop, a big booming subwoofer. WUB WUB WUB heavy, not chub chub chub heavy.


You’re not making anything better…

@Makszi So you’re saying I have a long wavelength & that I’m therefore on the more rotund side?



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Yep, both games just have their own problems regarding skill/gem/whatever pick rate. I’d guess passives like that one which grants 3 silver shroud stacks on ability use is also probably a “must have” and not picking it is simply nerfing your build.

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Actually this is the Reason why i pretty much ignore everyone who speaks about ‘viable’ because in the past 5-10 Years i’ve seen how misused and misplaced it is. When you play Grim Dawn and parts of the elitelist start to bash builds and b’tch and cry about nerfs, because in crucible it takes 7 min instead of 6:30 and shattered realm a certain shard way above the actually 60 or 70 shard which is meant to be the target one, and then claim a build isn’t viable despite being able clean pretty much all content, not just the last percentage of e-peen bragging rights, then you learn to understand that people are super skewed if it comes down to the term “viable”. They just see extremes, but don’t understand the concept of viable at all.

But that’s also why i’m also happy to see (otherwise i’d have ignored this topic entirely) at least some people with common sense.


Yeah, static orb and sorcerer new meta were reintroduced this cycle to the game, that’s how Devs show their public that 300 is their goal. Introducing builds that one shot everything and are immortals.
Maintaining broken interactions.

That one has been around since 1.0 (probably since 0.9 better saying), that’s how the balance of the game is done around 300 corruption.
20 k ward and one shot pinnacle boss.

Things balanced around 300c are far from the reality of the game, doesnt matter if big boss says otherwise when their actions prove people talking about balance of the game over 1000c are correct.

It’s tiresome, a joke you keep talking like parrots and not even funny more.

I’m here for quite a fair time, and It catches perfectly the representation of these members.

Sure, the 300c is definitely not something which upholds in reality.

It’s what EHG tries to more or less surround stuff on, and much does uphold that, with major outliers.

It’s not that they’re not balancing around 300c… it’s just that EHG is plainly spoken… fairly shit at balancing :stuck_out_tongue:
And there’s no excuse for that for them, it is like it is and they got to get massively better with their balancing work because it’s overall functioning… but still shoddy.

I think you’re kinda lost in the terminology there.
All EHG said is that they try to balance things around 300C… They never said “all builds will only be able to do 300C”.

Balancing means that the majority of builds is going to be tuned around that level. It does not mean, at all, that there will not be stronger builds than others.

Got a good build? Great, go climb!
Got a meme build? Fine, you should be able to at least get to 300C.

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That is a lie, and you cannot succeed with just anything.

It is basically the dumpered down standards for casual players are so low, that you can get through the game and I mean the game as forum trolls see it, C100-200 throwing around just about any gear and skills. You don’t need any specific build for this.

My friend who is new to the game (absolutely new) played bladedancer and got to 300c without any gear crafting or guide. Once he started properly gearing up 1000c turned out to be fairly easy. If your build cannot do 1000c, it is probably garbage build, and uses skills that are broken and not scaling anything anywhere.

A lot of sorcerer skill for example are non-sustainable mana wise. Forget the atrocious non-existent dps scaling, you cannot even sustain the mana, and I have tested it with 2500 mana pool that I have on SSS+ tier gear, that nobody real has in the game. I am not sure how devs go around designing the skills, but they are clearly non-viable.

But once you start actually playing the game for real, going for T4 Julra T7 slams, and actually gear up your character, you will clearly see, that there are only a few skills that scale, while the rest are absolute worthless.

I have checked around a dozen of build guides, and they all look like some people throwing around random stuff together that does not work and does not give any benefit to the character, but “looks and sounds cool” and lots of casuals are being misguided into playing junk builds.

The only thing I can remotely relate it too, is mcdonalds, some people are interesting in cooking, culinary courses, good food, but a lot are content with just about anything, they go to mcdonalds, they eat toilet paper towel qualtiy food and are happy. If that is the target audience and perspective on the depth of Last Epoch game, it will certainly not last in the competition with PoE and Diablo 4.

Yeah, lucky to get LP2 Wrongwarp and a bunch of other items, while now it seems to be impossible.

There were patch notes about nemesis changes you must have missed them.

Ofcourse there will always be people who will say that you don’t need anything but mcdonalds, it is good enough food, it has calories, it tastes chemicals. Why bother investing more of time and resources trying to find michelin star restaurant or a competent chef, when you can just throw together frozen french fries and burger with cola and be happy?

Yep, which were adjustments to spawn condition.
No functionality changed.

Nah, that’s not how you compare it though, which is the issue. I would be 100% fine if that was the case.

A ‘viable build’ is the equivalent of ‘a normal restaurant’. It’s the baseline. It’s neither a good restaurant nor a bad restaurant… just a clean kitchen, consistent staff.

Your michelin star restaurant would be a build which is strong and hard to build. No baseline function simply… elevated vastly beyond that. Intricate mechanical interconnection, specific uniques which work in conjunction with that… those builds, the few ones currently existing where you need to shortly search to find more or less unintended combinations.

And your McDonalds would be the people which throw ‘something’ together that clearly doesn’t work, then struggle through the ‘baseline’ content into empowered monoliths and often decide ‘this game isn’t good’ because they failed themselves with not caring about their build.
But… there’s a good chunk of people playing simply on like that, for a long long time.

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@Heavy sorry if you feel misrepresented, but have a look at the full post I quoted there, I’ve bolded those majority claims:

@DJSamhein no offense, but why don’t you trust in your own opinion being good enough? It’s not necessary to try and speak on behalf of large groups. Remember how that Chinese guy got roasted for claiming to speak for all of his countrymen?

And while we’re at it, you’re (probably) right that the largest group of players are those who don’t even finish the campaign, but those are like the biggest customer group of a gym: those who pay but never show up. I don’t think these groups are that important regarding game design :wink:

And I contest that the group of players who want to achieve something ingame (not world wide competition, just push corruption, do the Pinnacle Boss (fast) etc.) is smaller than the group of those who only play for “fun” ie don’t care if they succeed at anything.

I don’t speak on behalf of large groups. I just analyze the statistics. Go to any game on steam and you’ll see half the people never finish them. Any game at all. And if you go to any game on steam, you’ll also see that most of the “endgame” achievements are done by only a few people. And you’ll also see that the really hard ones are usually under 1%.

So, while LE doesn’t have steam achievements, do you really think LE is such a great game that it will be completely different from every other game on steam?

So yes, I’m 100% certain that people that go to 1k corruption is a minority of players. A very small one. You just have to look at the data for every single game in the last 10 years or more.

Fixed it for you :stuck_out_tongue:

Absolutely! That’s a given not even a question.

So what’s the talk actually about? Short-term customers vs. long-term customers I would say.

Or the ‘drive-by’ players versus the core-players of the game.

Obviously you make content related to the core players while others walk in and out regularly, that’s a given.

But even within the core players the ones doing competitive aspects of the game are a minority. And I’m not talking about some random person pushing 1k… but active competitive things. Which means comparing yourself to something else.
The minority cares about the other side’s grass, unless it affects them… for example through the market.

Leave those out, they don’t care anyway.

Do you think there are more actively engaged players that do a hundred hours per cycle that care or don’t care for what they accomplish?

There are more people per cycle that don’t do 100 hours.
And from the rest, there are more people that don’t have an actual goal and just want to have fun and see where they get to.
And from the rest, there are more people that just care about pushing for the sake of pushing rather than actually competing.
Which leaves a small minority that is actually engaged in the leaderboard aspects of the game.

In any game, the more “specialized” you need to get or the more you need to focus on endgame completion, the less players do that. Statistics show us that, even by just glancing at a bunch of the top selling games on steam.
Getting to 1k coruption is harder than getting to empowered monos or to 300c, so less people chase that.
I can guarantee you that there way less players at 1k+ than there are players at 300c doing Aberroth.

Yeah but if you need them to achieve your “majority”, it has no meaning. Like claiming the majority of people don’t care what we’ll have for dinner tonight. Only those participating count.

This lacks meaning. Everyone and no one fits that description, except for those players who want to be on the leaderboards, which is truly a small hardcore audience.

I think you mostly avoid my detailed definitions, for in the 100+ hours club, that you and company easily serve in the forums alone, you are probably in the minority if you don’t care whether your build can do up to 300c or up to 1k :wink:

You seemed to miss the point:
For every harder goal you have, less people do it or care about it. This is supported by the steam achievements.

You can dismiss the vast majority of players (those that play less than 100h even though those are the larger portion of the playerbase every single cycle), but even from what remains you still have the rule:
The harder the content, less people do it or chase it at all.

Just look at PoE and lets ignore the HC achievements:
-8.4% of players finished Eternal lab
-3.4% of players finished all maps
-2.9% of players killed Sirus
-2.1% of players killed Maven.

The harder the content, the less people do it or even chase it.
Do you really think LE is the sole exception to this rule?

So yes, the majority of people with 100h+ don’t care about 1k or chase it.