Kermode's Cage - Not getting white fur in werebear form

The unique primalist body armor “Kermode’s Cage” is not giving the visual change to werebear form as stated on the bottom affix, to give white fur instead of the normal brown.
I’ve tried relogging, restarting, going in and out of bear form before equipping the item etc., but nothing seems to work. Its not a huge deal but would love to get it fixed when possible :slight_smile:


+1 … !

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This !!!

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+++1 ! saaame

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Please fix

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Hope this gets fixed

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+1 :cold_face:

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same here ;(
PLZ fix…wanna be a polar bear

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+++++++++++++++++++1 same i literraly made a build for this and after 15hrs i cant be white

+1+1+1+1 :frowning:

+++1 pls fix this bug

+1 Same!!

+1+1+1 I’m tired of being yogi bear

+me .

+1. No white fur

Andddd… another +1

And yet another +1

Same here. Werebear fur won’t turn white whether equipped in human form or bearform and restarting the game doesn’t seem to fix it either.

I have the same problem, can we know if a member of the staff have seen the topic ? Will it be fixed ? Thanks in advance for your work :slight_smile: