Just purchased game and the small text makes it unplayable


I’ve read such good reviews I decided to give the game a try but the complete lack of any accessibility options is not only disappointing but insulting. Not all people are perfect and excluding those of use that have accessibility issues is just wrong.

Please correct this ASAP, the game should never have made it this far without it or at least a warning that anyone without perfect vision will not be able to read the text.

One unhappy customer.

Inclusion and accessability options are on EHG’s list, but they do take a lot of time and ressources and only make sense, when majority of the games other features and things are solidified.

It will come no doubt, but it might not be with 1.0

Yeah, accessibility is an issue that needs to be addressed and they have said that it will come.

Judd Cobler, founder and CEO of Eleventh Hour Games and game director for Last Epoch, made the following comment regarding this topic:


I am using lastepochtools extensively to be able to read skillls and passives.

Games that have tiny font size without adjustment are something else.

Am I allowed to roll my eyes at the “insulting” part of the post? 'Cause apart from that there was a perfectly valid point.


Remembering, Path of exile NEVER MADE THIS FUNCTIONALITY.

I see people asking to some option for color blind people for about 7 years.

I’m not defending Last Epoch, but you have to understand the game still in Betta. Generally company like GGG gives a shit about people with special necessity.

different from this, since the beginning of creation I always see a concern in placing this type of option


Not only allowed, but encouraged!


Completely agree. Have seen this being frequently requested for 2 years, but have not seen a response as of late on it. The game is completely unplayable for people with near sight / bad eyesight, and if they fixed it, it would make the game playable on steam deck as a bonus.

Needs to be fixed. Every other ARPG have bigger text, never mind a UI scale slider.

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