Just how rare are adorned idols with smite mod?

Im level 80 and i gotten only 2 adorned idols with smite % chance on hit from throwing attacks and i still need 2 so my build finally properly works but god damn how rare can they be?

No idea but its a pretty rare Idol in my experience… They do drop, but like all things RNG you tend to notice when they DONT drop more than when they do so it makes it seem like its rarer than it actually is…

There is no specific drop rate for the Adorned Idol (at least not on Dammits item database), so no idea how common a drop that specific idol actually is… but compounding whatever that droprate may be is the fact that there are 9 possible suffixes for the adorned idol, so there is more RNG (1 in 9) chance of the Smite affix dropping on top of whatever the default adorned idol drop rate is…

No idea how to improve this other than the Idol drop blessing and farming Idol echo rewards…

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Getting the Idol Drop Rate Blessing will have a noticeable impact on the amount of idols of that type.

The drop rate blessings will give you more items of that specific type, so a perfect rolled empowered blessing will give you 100% more adorned idols, which is certainly very noticeable.

Other than that you should try and focus farming the idol reward echoes.

i am doing every echo idol i can find but they are pretty rare too

They are pretty rare, all of mine came from when you could buy idols from the vendor.

huh there is idol vendor?

They are uncommon, but not super rare compared to other echo reward types.

Best thing you can do is push corruption and/or go as far outwards as possible within an individual echo web. That will increase the spawn rate of more uncommon echo reward types.

But do you at least have the idol drop rate blessing?
That is definitely your best chance anyway.

ye i do only the normal monolith one but its 50% rolled

can i get more info on this where is idol vendor?

Llama referenced to a very early time of LE, when you could but Idols at the regular vendor, this is no longer the case for a very long time.

Not anymore, idols were briefly available from the vendor when they were introduced back in the day.

Don’t let RNG know what you want, it tends to not let you get what you want.

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