Hra koupena přes Steam, účet na LE založen ale po spuštění přes steam se objeví jen obrazovka s LE a po chvilce to spadne, nekdy se stane že steam ukazuje že hra běží i když ve win nic není
Hello there!
Most players are able to login after some time has passed - are you still experiencing this issue? Everything looks solid on our side.
We are working to determine the root cause and this information is helpful.
thank you!
We are still looking into the known bug of ‘stuck at entering Eterra’ aka ‘infinite spinning portal’. In the meantime, we have a temporary fix that will give you a LE-24 error which we can address right away. To do so, please submit a ticket to and we will respond as quickly as we can. This is a manual process and due to the holidays it might not be an immediate response. The goal is to get you all into Last Epoch as fast as possible while we come up with a better solution.
Pokud ti to porad nejde, tak by si mel zalozit pozadavek na odkaze o prispevek vyse.
Just bought the game on steam, same error,
Just bought game on steam same error LE-24
Also bought the game on Steam, Error LE-24
I am also encountering the LE-24 error. However, whenever I try to load the support.lastepoch site I just get a blank page so I have been unable to create a ticket.
Try verify the game file on steam
Same here also read all posts above and did the steam validate etc
Also i waited 15 mins and still get LE-24 no last epoch license found
Any help please
Unfortunately waiting as well as validating my game files did not fix the issue
Sorry about this everyone!
We’re still investigating the root cause, but if you contact support via this form we will manually resolve this for you as soon as possible.
Marked the above post as a solution to improve visibility - we still intend to address the root problem.
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