Just a few suggestions

Please let us map commands to side mouse buttons. I’d like to use my left side button to use health potions but it won’t let me map to it. It would be helpful if this was changed. Also, will this game have armor dyes? If not, please consider adding those so we get some more customization. Some sort of housing/lair thing would be cool too.

Welcome ot the LE Forums!

Regarding the mouse button mapping:
This works for me fine with additional buttons on my mouse:

This might be an issue with your specific hardware

Some kind of transmogrification system is already confirmed, but we don’t have any details yet, not sure if recolouring will be part of that system.

All of this will come with or after MTX cosmetics are implemented.

Housing etc. is something EHG likes, but it is not within the 1.0 scope, so if it will come at all, it will be way after 1.0 launch

I play ONLY with my side mouse buttons, never touch keyboard.
All skills, potions, inventory, map, tab, character sheet, all on side buttons…
But I set them up from the mouse software, not ingame.

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Yeah I didn’t notice the Mouse column and I was trying to bind in the keyboard one. It works fine now–thankfully.

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