Julra temple disconnect/not loading needs to be Tier 1 priority

Julra temples are the basis of endgame crafting and corruption pushing. Every time a temple gets stuck on an infinite loading screen it makes me want to quit outright. I’ve lost count of the number of keys I’ve lost to load screen failures. Drop everything else and make content load.

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its been going on for 6+ days with no answer or acknowledgement at all. play poe with me bro, new league this week!

Guys I agree with you that this is important. However I have not experienced this at all. I had a few crashes during maps, but I have done 20+ Julras before the weekend without fail.

So please provide some technical information. I am on EU West for example. Which realm are you on? Have you tried another?

ill provide whatever technical information an EHG employee asks of me, but its been 6+ days of multiple threads with all the technical information you could ask for with zero response. search “sanctum” or “disconnect” or “dungeon” search terms, youll see plenty of threads with .ini files, video recordings, the whole shebang. im glad you dont experience thee problem MANY of us have, but that doesnt mean its not happening. personally i have a 1 out of 9ish success rate of completing a dungeon. im trying not to be, but im feeling a little insulted that for 6+ days of having this problem, you think i wouldnt have tried something as simple as changing realms. and yes, i tried unplugging and plugging my power back in too XD

At the very end of the video you can see how it looks.

Video (not mine) is from 1.0, perhaps someone recorded it from current Cycle.

  • Some people are not seeing this lost connection message right away, instead it pops up after a few minutes of waiting.
  • Some people see the loading screen and after a while Windows says that Last Epoch is not responding. It hangs.
  • Some people see the loading screen and you’re stuck on that loading screen forever and you never load the next level.

It’s happening on EU West for me, and it’s happening on US realms for others too.
It’s not limited to Temporal Sanctum, it happens in Monolith too.

Obviously nobody cares about Monolith because you just relaunch the game and finish the echo, but you cannot finish the Dungeon run, and you lose the key.

I’m on EU west. I’m not changing realms (it should just work, why does eveyrthing else work but Sanctum?)

Monos, bosses, arenas, other dungeons don’t crash or get stuck loading. Pity those other mechanics aren’t vital to endgame pushing.

same here

4 temporal and 2 crash last week. 50% !!! not once in plenty, 50% …

1 infinite loading
1 long loading and after, i could move but d didn t swap floors and in settings i didn t had any key or mouse button binded. all empty !!

yeah it can be pretty bad. I’d say I’m around 30% failure rate. Every now and then I’ll get lucky and have a few temples run in succession, but it happens again later. What’s weird is that it’s gotta be a loading error, because i can leave the game and submit bug reports from teh loading screen…

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